eleven. (!)

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[s] this is just a warning this chapter contains spice (you win) !! if you don't really enjoy reading that please skip the last part of this chapter ! 

"guys ! guys ! wake up !" the blonde exclaimed, shaking the two bodies of the intertwined couple up, the two of them let out a groan as the jet haired boy took a glance at the clock diagonal to them. "ugh.." eleanor sighed, shifting from mike's arms and to the bathroom. "holls, don't you have to brush your teeth ?" she asked, taking a toothbrush. "i already did." "since when were you awake again ?" she asked.

"five, i watched a movie and ate some chips within that time range." she responded as mike's eyes widened. "damn, you need to eat breakfast, remember ?" mike remarked, wrapping arms around el and brushing his lips against her cheek. "yeah but lays is wayyy better." holly shrugged, before she sat down on the couch. after the 'lovebirds' finished their morning amenities, mike set to the kitchen, to make some breakfast. 

"whatcha making ?" holly asked. "pancakes," was his simple response. "do you want to help ?" he asked, taking the flour, milk and eggs. "sure, we can help." el answered, with a petite smile that would send mike swooning over. holly walked to the bowl and the 'mixie' thingy as she called it. "i need an few eggs !" she commanded. "damn, you're now the master chef ?" mike raised an eyebrow. "just give me the damned eggs." holly sighed. "coming right up !" eleanor chuckled, with eggs in one hand and sugar in the other. 

"now that's efficiency, mike." holly said sassily, to which mike rolled his eyes, bringing the milk and flour. the moment holly was about to turn on the machine, el shook her head. "nuh-uh, this is so plain ! i think we need...bananas in the mixture." she brought some bananas. "god, do you even eat these, mike ?" el asked him, to which he groaned. "yeah, rarely though." mike responded with a hint of sass in his tone. "no nutrition for you with that then." holly said, going to the couch. "turn on the thingy !" she commanded.

"wow, your sister is surely better than you." el joked, to which mike faked a pout. "aw man, i thought i was better." he sighed, turning on the machine, before placing a soft kiss to her lips, which she returned, making it more than just a 'peck on the lips', wrapping her arms around his neck as her hands placed on his head, flowing through the wave of his curls, before pulling away. "not here." she mumbled against his lips, cheekily. mike smirked, before waiting for the pancake mixture to finish mixing and finally, it was over.

"time for the fun part, holls !!" el called out to the blonde. holly walked back to the kitchen, gossip girl playing in the background. holly giggled, noticing el's lip gloss on mike's lips, it was pink, almost as pink as their cheeks. "what's so funny ?" mike asked, giving holly the batter so that she could pour the batter on to the pan to form some fun shapes. "nothing." she responded with a smug face, similar to the one mike always held on his lips when he wanted to tease el. holly started to pour the batter into the shape of a heart on to the non-stick pan. "that came out perfect !" mike exclaimed. 

"that came out even better than will's coming out !" el said, jokingly, making the siblings cackle loudly. they made more fun shapes, squares, lipstick-ish failed shapes, and even a horrible replica of mike's head shape.

"i would be less surprised if that was supposed to be a kangaroo riding a pig." holly let out, referring to the 'mike head' pancake, to which mike and el laughed loudly. "can't tell the difference." el added, before the three of them sat on mike's dining table. holly finished first, making a face at mike for finishing before him, she ran to the kitchen, to wash the dishes.

"so, how long are you staying here, elligator ?" mike asked el who smiled. she wished to live her life, a house that belonged to just her and mike, waking up with him in the morning and cuddling him at night, gossiping about work and holding eachother all the time, just her and her best friend, her mike, her first and only love.

"how long would you like me to, i need to pick up winnie from max's as she's been pampering him these past two days ?" she asked, interlocking their fingers. "forever, please." mike joked but deep down it could be said that they both agreed on that. "i'll stay here three more days, maybe." she smiled, before both her and mike head to the sink to wash the dishes.


the morning and evening was spent with holly, el and mike watching gossip girl, despite mike's whines to watch something else, them going for a quick walk, and being forced to record holly's new tiktok.

"ugh i'm tired." holly whined, walking to the guest bedroom, slapping herself into bed. "already ? that annoying tiktok sure tired you out." mike mumbled, to which holly flipped a finger at him. "middle schoolers." el mumbled, with a smile. "'night holls." she said. "'night lovebirds." wow, even mike's little sister knew about them well enough.


eleanor sighed, with a smile, turning on the air conditioning in the master bedroom, while reading her book alongside mike. "give me attention." mike mumbled. "no." she responded, one word spoke so much more. mike decided to get his way in this little bicker, he took the book from el, placing it on the nightstand. "hey !" el gasped, with a chuckle, mike smirked, he got his way.

he wrapped his arms around her waist, aligning their bodies against each other, as he nuzzled his nose against her cheek, before bringing his lips closer to hers, in a kiss, continuing where they left off earlier. their lips mingled together, they were made in that particular way just for eachother and no one could banter with that. 

el gasped for a quick breath, before pressing her lips against his yet again, this time, mike's tongue found it's way through el's mouth, kissing her like there was no tomorrow. el's tongue swirled around mike's tongue effectively, soon, mike's lips started to trail down el's jaw, making el let out a few pleas in pleasure, as her grip around mike's hair tightened. "mphm, mike.." was all she could let out.

his lips trailed to the tip of her collarbone, kissing it expertly. just when mike's hand made it's way to the ruffle-ish tip of el's shirt, there was a knock on the oaken-hued door, making them have a 'spasm' away from eachother. 

"hey, guys, do you have a better comforter ?" holly asked, rubbing her eyes. "y-yep." el said awkwardly, covering up the small mark mike left on her skin with her hand, handing holly the comforter.


mike and el shared a look and a chuckle.

maybe that was to be saved for another time.

a/n : 1191 words ??! damn, for once i have motivation to write, the last time i wrote something that long was in grade lovers, yet attachment has the record lmao(i cringed re-reading attachment😭😭). feel free to criticize this chapter, this was toughhh to write as idk how to write this and i'm probably the most innocent minded person among my friend group, but somehow, with the help of black tea with cream, one choco chip cake and a pep talk from my best friend and technically sibling at this point-ish on how she once wrote smut at 14 years old with a gossip girl fanfic (lmao😨😨) , i managed to write this lmao. also, is it just me or is calculus underrated. i love and miss calculus as now i have to wait a month or two to get into my new school. anyways, i love you so much and i believe that you are an amazing person <3 love, lanah.

ps : it's 8:31 am and i'm eating chocolate cake, here's a slice for you ml 🍰(ignore the fact that it's vanilla) !

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