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/ a/n: gonna try this whole pov switch thing, and i might hate myself for it but yk oh well/


(your pov)

the whole moving process sucks, regardless its the only place in my true budget. sure the whole city is buckling down but this place had a recent death, price went down i claimed it. 

i gave the person working in the booth my entry permit and id and sat there for 10 minutes while he looked over everything. "your not on the list, let alone put on the resident folder" his eyes pierced mine. "they gave me this if any complications were to take place" i said handing him another paper. 

he rolled his eyes and let me in, i guess the paperwork hadnt dropped yet. and seeing as i dont have much to move in only a bed and a tv, a few kitchen appliances, it shouldnt be to much work. the only problem is doing it under the D.D.D. so while i was heavy lifting shit to the 3rd floor they stood at the doors. there was a time they left to take care of what i would assume to be a dopple. 

"im mia stone, 3rd floor first door. and you are?" i was looking at a blonde girl. "y/n l/n" i said as she grabbed a box of mine waiting for me to lead the way. "so your moving in?" she asked which in my defense was a very stupid question. "yes i am" i kept my answers short and simple. im only 22, i dont need to befriend someone who is 35. 

"you seem young to be living alone" she spoke as we entered my apartment. "its better that way" i plainly put it. "well if you need anything else remember 1st apartment" she gave me a smile and was off. shes to nice and i think i hate it. i got the rest of my stuff and started getting things set up. 

they said i had to call before i left, but curfew was 8pm. its 7 im not eating i guess. i should have gotten all this shit figured out. maybe just maybe if im quick enough i could run to the store, sprint there and sprint back. 

so i called told them i had to go to the store and they told me to hurry so i did. i ran my happy ass off to the fucking store. 

(francis pov)

long day and the entry is taking forever per usual. if i hear one more thing about a new neighbor i think im going to explode. it took to long for them to get to me. im not to worried about everything going on, even if mclooy is gone. that just means i have more people to hopefully avoid. "your free" the man spoke and i was finally able to go to my apartment. 

and upon entering its still my messy place. the trash is full, theres clothes on the floor, dirty dishes. i havent had time to clean up yet, ive been busy everyday. so the second i finally got out of my work uniform i took out the trash running into a new face. "apologies" she spoke and procced to enter the room next to mine. 

that must be who everyone is talking about, and she dropped an onion. i have to take this trash out im sure she can figure it out herself. the flight of stairs never gets easier, and the trash never gets fuller in the dumpster out back. theres D.D.D chasing someone in the back, and a stray cat next to the trash. ive had enough of this. 

i walked back up seeing the familar onion still in the middle of the hallway. so with a sigh i let out, i picked it up and knocked on the door. i watched eyes peak out a crack. "yes?" she answered. i held up the onion, only to see her hand come out the crack of the door. i placed it in her hand and she took it shutting the door. 

seems like she doesnt want anyone bothering her either. but oh was mia ready to talk all about it. "she doesnt talk alot, not to mention shes young" mia spoke and spoke and spoke. "almost rude toned now that i think of it, she didnt want to talk to me" the more she trailed on was the longer i got stuck in the hallway.  "im so sweet, how could anyone hate me" mia finished as soon as her fiance came into the picture. 

i could now retreat back into my apartment. 

(your pov) 

i have to make a list, i dont have a trashcan or bags, i dont have dish soap. i was so unprepared for this. but i still cooked my meal. since there was extra and i felt like being nice i went to where that one guy lived, the one who handed me the onion. i placed it by his door and knocked before running away. i needed sleep, and i dont even have a toothbrush. 

(francis pov) 

a plate by my door with food, even a note. 'thanks for the onion' thats all it says not even a name. i took a bite and i have to admit it was good, no idea how someone so young could cook good. im 25 and still i dont know how to cook this good. maybe shes older then me, maybe shes used to this. i dont have work tomorrow which means i have to shop for food. 

but right now i need sleep. 

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