12~ coconut pie

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(youll get your suggestive themed SMUT soon. you dirty dogs, but seeing as i am contributing to it im no better. anyway enjoy ;) side side note, yet again the 50s i know its mid 50s but still your getting things from the late 60s to ealry 80.)

(your pov)

for once i was the first one awake. and the second i dared to move was the second he woke up. light ass sleeper, how does he not wake up to the damn cat. she runs around the place every night at 2am. "good morning" he spoke getting up to stretch. "good morning" i watched his shirt lift up just a tad. 

render most people i know dont sleep with shirts, and if you ask anna from the dead she would say its better to sleep butt naked then fully dressed. i have been on the end of that stick, she gave no fucks when it came to other people. 

i heard the toilet flush and the sink run. a good one, thank you thank you thank you. "you washed your hands?" was the first thing i asked to him when he came out. "yes?" he spoke a little confused. "you are amazing" i felt genuinely happy about this fact. and hes still confused. 

"nevermind" i spoke getting out to also use the bathroom. and the seat is up...you cant win it all. shower on, and now i can use the bathroom in peace. its not like im pee shy, i just hate the sound of it in a bathroom thats not mine. even in my own apartment i would turn on the sink. 

i washed my hands and walked out. he was in the kitchen making toast. "want some?" he asked earning a nod from me. "butter and jam please" i asked only to get a weird look. i forgot it was Saturday. fuck me. 

yesterday francis was called into work late last night, and i was with anastacha. "im a fucking idiot" i thought out loud and now hes looking at me. theres this goofy looking smile on his face. "not literally, but like sometimes, only a little, i just you know" i said trying to prove worthy by myself. 

"we both know im not dumb, and i know well enough your not either" he spoke up placing my toast in front of me. "may i ask why there is a giant bite missing out of my toast francis?" i questioned him. "oh, yeah i took a bite" he confessed which made me laugh. 

i prove rather destructive when i laugh due to my head hitting the table. which made him laugh, and him laughing made me laugh. theres a never ending cycle to this. "anastacha said if i have time to hang out she would like it, if not she wants me all of sunday" i spoke up. 

he stood there looking at me "maybe" that was all he said. "i was thinking about going to get lunch, followed by whatever you wanted to do" he said sitting at the table across from me. 

lunch would be an one hour and we are eating toast. this seems like a bad plan already. "ill get ready" i said getting up only to see him take my toast and eat it. its funny at this point. 

(francis pov)

shes getting ready in the bathroom so i can just quickly change in my room. its a win win, just a simple pants, shirt, jacket, coat. before i could even get a shirt on she walked into the room. "i apologize" and she shut the door but it doesnt account for the fact i can hear little stomps on the floor. 

grab the keys and my lady, feed the damn cat. "im ready" she spoke looking at me. i opened the door for her and then locked it. the date will go fine, everything will be okay. and then i could just tell her what her child of a friend keeps yelling at me. 

"its snowing still" she said as soon as we walked out the lobby doors, there was a good 5 inches on the ground already. we both stepped in it and instantly sunk. for someone in a skirt, i couldn't imagine it. 

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