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(francis pov)

when i woke up she was awake and still on me. i would think she would have woken me up in the least. i watched her move her head to look at me. "i woke up and couldnt go back to sleep" she spoke, she sounded upset by it. 

i have to use the bathroom and shes not budging on getting off of me. we were lucky enough to get a bathroom in the room. "did you know this is a labor and delivery room?" she spoke up "they told me that this morning" she followed up. 

our minds did often sync "i have to use the restroom" i said getting no response. plan b, just push. and shes not happy i pushed her off of me but i mean that sucks. 

when i was finally done using the bathroom she was outside the door. "stay here" she said pushing me to the wall and then going into the bathroom. the shower is on, and now i just have to wait. breaking the rules to grab the tooth brushes and then when i heard the shower stop i went to the door. 

when she opened it i handed her everything and she shut the door again. my pride and joy is taking forever to brush her damn teeth. i am glad she feels better today. "if you dont hurry, im leaving" i said only getting the door to swing open. "the fuck you are" she said, and she sounds mad. 

she finally was out and we could lay back down and watch the smallest television ive ever seen. the news was the only thing on, calling for a storm. "possible flood warning, tornado watch, giant wind gusts and hail. some might show up some might not" the news always did this whole scare tactic thing. 

if its not the atomic bomb, it would be bad weather, or rather then that something to do with the rise of crime. they scare you into it, and in a certain someone's case its working. "we will be fine" i spoke rubbing the top of her head. her hair was rather messy and unkept, i tried my best to get out a majority of the tangles and knots. 

(your pov)

its not that im scared, its that i dont like storms. they are loud, and yeah they are scary. but but but, maybe since i have all the tools to drown the sound i will be fine. "ow, francis that hurt" i spoke "sorry, ill be gentle" he answered back. 

im not against my hair being fixed, but im not happy about the pain. "so, you can be released today if you dont have any pain for the next 3 hours" the nurse spoke also watching the news. "i better check the generators" she followed up and left. 

storm this, storm that. atomic bomb this, government that. this is why i hate the news, i think i would rather die not knowing a single thing about what was coming. i think i was just really looking forward to going home. 

francis was still trying to unknot my hair, i was in pain only because when he tried to get a knot out he would also pull my hair. and word on the street is my mother will pay for everything, go me. 

francis was always up and down walking around, he didnt like being confined either. i even would join him in the walking. but we both just wanted to lay in a bed, i missed cooking, i miss being able to go places when i got bored. 

"i need to walk" he said trying to get me, i pulled him down and gave him a kiss. "okay" i spoke after all was said and done. "on second thought, i think i will stay here" and now im sitting in front of him with his arms around me. 

its not manipulation if you didn't do anything manipulative. 

it only got worse when he started kissing my neck. it was all fine and dandy until he put his hand under my chin to tilt my face so he could kiss more of it. "francis, hospital" i said "does it look like i care?" he spoke back and kept going. 

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