11~ tiramisu

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(your pov)

waking up to the alarm once more, its making me mad. but it was a rinse and repeat all over again. francis got up, got ready and left. i slept in, i would clean, and then make food so he could eat when he got back. 

but right now, im taking my ass back to bed. 

(francis pov)

its a spawn of hell, everyone is gathered around waiting for some fucking meeting. its who stays, who goes, who gets a raise and who doesnt. if i lost my job it would be a pain in the ass for sure, but its more time to sleep. 

turns out everyone who was freaked out had a reason to be, they all got fired. and i got a promotion which meant more hours for 2 dollars more. i feel like this is somehow worse then getting fired. and im still stuck with no brains for the week. 

"i need Saturday off" i spoke to the boss. "such short notice francis, whats the occasion" i watched him write it down. "my family needs me, i promised i would be there to help them" it was a lie, but it got me through. 

and now it was into the truck i went to do the same exact thing as yesterday. hearing the same exact comments about women, hearing how he can win any girl he wants to. "you know, i could win that little pretty girl of yours if i tried hard enough" he spoke punching me in the arm. 

"you couldnt get near her even if you tried" i spoke back to him. "that sounds like a challenge" i looked at him. "its not" i said getting a laugh. he thinks im playing, but i cant assure anyone's safety if it were to happen. "i bet she would look good in my bed" he spoke out taking a sip of water from a cup. 

it wasnt water it was tequila. hes drinking and driving, typical. "your nothing more then dirt, dont be so cocky" i said which only seemed to piss him off. "dont think your better then me" there was a smile on my face, y/n is so much better at this then i am. 

"how is this, you can meet her. ill give you the directions after this delivery" it was a stupid idea, but a stupid agreement. i knew we already have to deliver to the apartment, i know the address like the back of my hand. 

(your pov)

i had to change clothes, they kicked up the heat and its hot. the only thing i had was a bathing suit cover. meaning a very small shirt, and extremely short shorts. i forgot when i bought them but it was probably last year when the pictures of two peice bathing suits were a thing. 

i was in love with the design of it all, and most of the other girls hated it. expect a few, those few being me and my friends. i opted for shorts rather then the clip on skirt, and since the skirt was only made for one piece bathing suits i settled with a shirt that barely fit apparently. 

since they go together im stuck wearing them both at the same time. i was cleaning everywhere. "does he not know what a hamper is?" i asked myself throwing more of his clothes in the hamper. the problem was the laundry mat was on the lobby floor, i would have to walk down looking how i look. i couldnt imagine the talk of it all. 

laundry is needed anyway, and so is mine. meaning 2 baskets double the money just to keep them separate. and then the phone rang, "hello?" i spoke. "here speak" i heard the guard lady before it was a bunch of ruffling. "its francis, come down so i can prove a point" he spoke. "francis im about to bring the laundry down. cant it wait?" i asked. "no" and then there was a click. ill bring it down anyway, just means ill have to sort through it all. 

so im huffing down this giant basket of clothes down the stairs and he magically appears. "what the hell are you wearing?" he asked looking at me. "its hot, dont blame me" i was a little cranky, i cant lie. "give me the fucking basket" and now im basketless and we are both walking to the laundry room. 

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