9~ shortcake

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(francis pov)

i was up when the cat meowed every 1 and 30 minutes hours. i had to let the cat out and let her back in. so for the 3rd time tonight i let her out. "dont let her run away" it was a weak voice but she was awake. "im not going to let the cat run away" i answered back. 

my guess was it had to be 3 in the morning, and the cat managed to wake both of us. "is she done yet?" she questioned still groggy. "not yet, just go to sleep" i spoke getting a groan. im letting my better judgement get the best of me, i softly kissed the top of her head. and even if one of my arms was holding open the door for the cat the other one was still around her. 

she fell asleep faster then the cat came back inside. but once the cat returned i shut the door and went back to sleep. i have to be the one to call of work over this whole thing,or just go in late and i dont want to think about that right now. 

but i woke up to poking on my forehead and when i opened my eyes there was the child in my face looking at me. "the apartments are open or whatever" she spoke only to look at the girl sleeping on top of me. and with a smile she started trying to wake her up. 

"y/n. y/n. y/n" she chanted getting nothing in response. "are you done yet?" i questioned her. "no" she answered back and she kept going. it was never ending, and now im annoyed. and then she saw the fucking cat. "poor kitty. since you cant give her what she needs ill take her or whatever" and now the cat is being picked up and they are both gone. 

but the more i look at y/n, the longer i want to stay in the car despite my legs and knees shouting in pain. better judgement says take the hit for waking her up. but she was already pretty much awake by now, she just didnt want to open her eyes. "the apartments are cleared, and my legs really hurt" i said and she got up and fell onto the floor board. 

(your pov)

how i managed to fall is beyond me, but i miss my bed. dawn needs a litterbox and her food, i need food, and to stretch anyway. when i finally did open my eyes i saw francis looking at me. he got out the car before i did. "wheres dawn?" i asked "anastacha took her" he followed up. 

when we got to the complex it was filled with people, so i guess it truly wasn't livable again. i took a look at francis who shrugged at me. after an hour of standing there my legs got tired and i sat on the floor. francis leaned against the wall next to me and anastacha joined us. 

and then it was the waiting game. "thought you said we could go in" francis was the one to break the silence. "my mom said it was" anastacha answered. i was hungry, i know it didnt matter much but i was hungry. and then we were all ushered back out to go through another check point. 

and the questions were unbearable, i couldnt even be in there with francis anymore. so when they looked at everything and back at me there was several questions. "your description doesnt match" she questioned. "i dont see how it wouldnt" i answered back. 

"your eye color is wrong" she questioned more. "it shouldnt be" was my answer back. i still think the only reason i got in was because of the cat. so when francis saw me again i was a little more grumpy. "what happened to you" he was being a smart ass. "i got asked every question in the book" i spoke walking up the stairs. 

when i finally got to my apartment it was still in tethers. "be so serious right now" i spoke shutting the door and sliding down it. i feel like theres so much emotion going on inside of me i dont know how to process them all. 

"what the hell" francis spoke next to me. and i still sat there. 

(francis pov)

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