17~ gelato

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( heres your daily a/n. if your reading this on easter and you celebrate happy easter, if not happy sunday. anyway heres more fan instead of fiction. i felt like cursing you with this since my family made me stay awake. tehe)

(your pov)

everything was going great until my whole body felt like i was on fire. i felt like i was being burned at the stake like a medieval witch, better yet like a hundred thousand ants are biting me all at once.  francis is still sleeping and im trying not to cry or scream. 

the more i laid there to try and just take it like a perfect heavenly child, the more i wanted to become a little demon for satan. burning in hell seems like a better alternative compared to the pain i am feeling. maybe if i just get up and like ask for help ill receive something. 

the second i moved a sharp pain basically put me in a state of constant shocking pain, and now everything is worse. i cant tell if i want to cry or scream more in this certain moment, i cant even open my mouth its just stuck in a half assed smile. 

it was not long before the water works kicked off and i just had to lay there silently in pain. i feel like a steel frame, and the more it got worse the more audible i got. until the man sleeping nxt to me woke up. and now hes looking at me as im just crying, this has to be the most embarrassing moment of my life. 

"whats with the tears" he spoke up the only thing i could mutter out was a half ass groan and it sounded more like a busted car motor. "you know, words exist correct?" he said sitting up to look at me fully. 

i didnt realize my fists were clenched until he started to try and pry them apart. and now it hurts more, unbearable even because now my crying also included screaming from inside my mouth. "i dont know what to do unless you tell me" he was trying id have to give him credit. 

he started wiping the waterfall of salty raindrops off my cheeks. "it hurts" thats all i could mutter out. "what hurts?" he asked "everything, fire" i was trying my hardest. "a little more" he said which im not going to lie made me a little mad. 

"i feel like im on fire, i hurt so much" and from me speaking a full sentence started the active sobs. he didnt say anything and just left the room. what a bitch, when i get my hands on him he might not make it out alive, thats if you know i dont die first. im one step closer to just pulling the fucking plug on myself. 

it took 5 minutes and now hes walking back in with a nurse. putting something in the iv. "it should take anywhere from 10 minutes to 30 for the affects to start and fully work" the nurse spoke and since she was here she started writing things down. 

francis sat his happy ass back down, just know if i wasnt in excruciating pain id knock you out, then feel bad, then please you. may or may not be in certain ways.

he truly was lost on what to actually do. you know what i cant blame you so would i my dearest francis. im either really fucked up, or in fucking so much pain i can no longer process anything. and im still crying. 

did i mention its fucking 3 in the morning? why could this happen at i dont know 9. like why did i have to be in pain and ruin my sleep. and then theres francis whos trying not to fall back asleep. must be SO FUCKING NICE. 

the whole room could sense my anger and desperation, and i sat there trying to smile through it even with tears streaming down my face every 2 seconds. i was just actively waiting for all of this to end. why my whole body is engulfed in flames is beyond me. 

"scoot" i looked at the same man basically falling asleep while sitting. "if i could, i would" i spoke up only to get pushed a little and now hes in the hospital bed with me. the nurse is looking at us like we are crazy. 

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