10~lemon meringue

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(francis pov)
i woke up to the bed violent shaking, she's shivering. how is she shivering? we seemed to have drifted apart from when we first fell asleep, but her head is laying on my forearm.

it would appear she's still asleep, i moved my arm as slow as i could. "huh" she spoke up sitting up only to shiver more. i got up to go fetch another blanket "where are you going?" she questioned in her tired voice.

"lay down" i spoke, it's not like i hate being woken up in the middle of the night but it's not something i enjoy.  i placed the other blanket on top and let myself get back into the bed. with as close as i could possibly humanly be i could go back to sleep. but the shivers were never ending. "are you still cold?" i asked. "give me a second" she responded back.

after 10 minutes of waiting she was asleep, meaning i could go back to sleep. time on the clock was 4. i only have an hour before i had to wake up for work, at this point i should just wake up now. but judging by the human sleeping next to me, it seems like bad judgement. 

an hour if that shouldnt hurt me anymore then it usually does. 

(your pov)

i woke up to a blaring alarm, and in my defense i didnt open my eyes so when i hit him in the face it was purely accidental. "turn it off" i groaned out. and once it finally turned off i went to reach for him and he wasnt there. i could make out his figure in the darkness stumbling about the dark room. 

"just go back to sleep" he spoke and i couldnt argue with that. i felt like a truck hit me in the middle of my REM cycle. 

(francis pov)

and shes out like a light again, and my cheek still hurts from that hit. im not dressing in my room like i usually do, so its to the bathroom i go. and with the distant meow and the door opening there was a cat running to the counter. "your food bowl is in the bathroom dawn" i said getting no response. it would make sense that she went to the counter, thats where she ate at y/ns. 

with a sigh i fed the cat, took a shower, and got ready for work. i thought about saying bye before i left, but she knows where im going. but the car ride would prove lonesome, its a honest thing to say the drives to work without her seem longer. i have nothing to look forward to, besides i hope she never gets another car. 

shes not dependent on me specifically, but for long distance or the store she is. either way, i still hope she doesnt find any transportation ever. but it was a rinse and repeat apart from the office call.  "francis, theres a switch between the current and not current. times are changing" my boss was speaking to me and i have a feeling i know what this is about. 

"your days of delivering milk house to house are over" he better not be firing me. "your going to district, truck delivery. youll be delivering containers of milk to supermarkets" i knew this day was coming. "youll still function out of this house for the truck, but your making a run with samuel to figure out how it works" and this is where my life becomes harder. 

(your pov)

first thing first call my folks and beg for money. im the favorite child it should be easy, im the youngest.  so with a ring and a answer. "hello, l/n residence" my mother perfect. "hello mama, is daddy home?" i asked. "he hasnt left for work yet baby, whats up" she asked. "ive had a lot of trouble this past few weeks mama" i was putting on my little act. 

"john get over here, okay baby tell us" she spoke once more. "i moved in and i love it i really do. i made new friends. but my job was attacked my a doppleganger and i saw it, i was standing next to the man who got killed, and i figured everything would settle down, but they closed the place i worked at. and then my apartment building got raided by 2 of them because they killed the guard, and i had to hide under a bed trying to save a 17 year old. and my apartment is wrecked. my bed broken, my plates, my radio, my television" i ended it. 

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