2~ frosting on top

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(your pov) 

once again had to let them know, which is getting annoying if im being frank. im trying to not cause more attention them, i think ive had half of the people living here come up and try to talk to me. there is a little high school girl, we seem to understand each other more then anyone here. she stopped her mother from yapping my ear off. 

i still dont have a car so walking it is. which really sucks trying to bring everything i need in one single load. it just means ill have to break it up, which takes even more time. but now that im here i can see how much i can fit into little things. like a laundry basket, and the trash can. 

(francis pov) 

at this point i feel like shes haunting me, shes standing there trying to load a bunch of shit between a basket and a trashcan. a rolling laundry basket at that. and there she is looking at me with her eyes, and now shes looking away. i think shes embarrassed, i certainly would be if i looked like a fool. 

(your pov) 

fuck, thats my neighbor. and here i am loading shit into a basket. you know what, gotta do what you gotta do. keep going and just forget about it. 

dishsoap, laundry detergent, sponge, shampoo, conditioner, leave in, trash bags, hand soap, wash cloth, towels, bedding. 

im out of room, and i didnt even get food. but hes looking at me again, screw it im just gonna keep going and try to stack something to eat in here. so when i finally found a place for it i looked next to me to see him standing by me. "you look like a dunce" he said grabbing some cheese that was next to me. 

"you try not having a car and walking everything to your place" i said quickly in a in my defense type of tone. "you dont have a car?" he asked.  "well no, i walked here" i answered back. and now hes looking at me weird. "you know you only get one leave a day right?" he asked again. 

"i did not" i said now even more in panic. i thought i could just leave and come back for more food. "get what you need" he said walking away. which left me confused. 

(francis pov) 

i offered her a ride, and now im watching her check out. so once she finished i could load my car with both of our things. she didnt know if she really wanted to enter the car, almost like shes fine with struggling. mia was right about her being an odd case, and young to. "are you getting in or not?" i asked, i dont like waiting so when she finally did she got in the back seat, smushed between her stuff. "get in the front seat" i spoke and once she finally did i started driving. 

it was a short drive, i still cant imagine the walk. "i heard that one girl who lives next to you talking about me" she spoke up causing me to look at her, and look back at the road. "y/n by the way" she spoke again. "francis" i said back. 

"i hope the meal was good last night" she spoke once more looking out the window. i kept my quiet, she doesnt talk as much as everyone else, but she still talks. "what was he like?" she asked which peaked my curiosity. "who?" i asked. 

"mclooy rudboy" she spoke the name. "he smoked constantly, he was a little rough and beat up" i answered. she just made a little agreement noise. mia was right, she doesnt speak much but short sentences really. but we were at the gates showing our stuff before we could get the things out the car. 

(your pov) 

offering a ride was nice and all, but i didnt like it. stranger danger, even if we were going to the same exact place. he had way less then me so i grabbed all i could in the least amount of trips i could take so he finally had his car. 

i hated using other peoples stuff. and someday i will have my own car, and i wont have to walk, i wont have to get offered anything. but out the corner of my eye i saw him looking at me before walking into his own apartment. 

it almost feels like hes curious, i assume mia was talking to him yesterday night about me. no one was talking back to her, it was just her talking. from all the news and stuff, the dudes son moved to a different place to get away from here. hope he likes it better. he was kind of cute either way, but i needed this place. i start work tomorrow and im not happy about it either. 

so i made my dinner, got dressed....i forgot toothbrushes and toothpaste. i knew i was forgetting something. either way ill be fine, im just going to shower and go to bed. 

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