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𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒔𝒐𝒏
We're only getting older

"She had way too much to drink," I heard Serena say, her voice sounding distant as my vision blurred and my mind fogged up. She held me up, guiding me as I struggled to stay upright. "She didn't get to open this, so take this and make sure she opens my present first. I'll get her other bags from the car."

Suddenly, I was lifted by strong arms, and I looked up to see Jude's face, a smile breaking across my lips.

"Jude," I cooed, my hand draped over his shoulder as I hugged his neck.

"It's not even 12 yet. Can't lie, I love that you started the celebration early," he said to Serena that was now back.

"I had to. You have her the entire day tomorrow, so I took tonight," she replied.

"To be fair, you had her last year," Jude retorted as he carried me effortlessly up the stairs.

"Oh, piss off," Serena shot back, her words punctuated by a mockingly exaggerated accent that was not of her own.

I groaned, holding my head as the pounding headache intensified, feeling like a child caught in the middle of divorced parents arguing over custody.

Jude carried me into his room and gently laid me down on his bed, his touch comforting as I settled onto the soft sheets. Serena leaned over, planting a gentle kiss on my cheek. "I wished we made it to 12. I'll call you tomorrow," she said before turning to Jude. "Make sure you take good care of her," she added which sounded a bit like a threat.

As the door closed, Jude turned his attention back to me, his expression filled with concern. He helped me out of my clothes, replacing them with fresh ones to ensure I was comfortable. Then, he handed me a glass of water and a packet of crackers, knowing that hydration and a bit of food could help ease the effects of the alcohol.

As I began to sip the water, I noticed Jude's intensified focus on his phone. Curious, I glanced over to see him watching a video. The lady in the video was explaining, "It's best to remove makeup with baby oil; it breaks it down better."

I watched as Jude's brows furrowed in concentration, as he listened how to get the makeup off my face, his fingers then moved swiftly across the screen as he searched for something. After a moment, he returned with wipes and a bottle of olive oil. "This will have to do," he said with a nervous laugh, his eyes meeting mine. Despite his uncertainty, I couldn't help but smile at his effort and thoughtfulness.

With gentle movements, he began to remove my makeup, his touch careful and tender. As he worked, I don't know if this was a love language but it felt like one. He rubbed the area with more oil as he gently wiped away everything. He was so focused, you would thought he was in the make up removing championship. It was in moments like these that I realized how much he cared, how deeply he wanted to take care of me, even in the smallest ways.

As the last traces of makeup were wiped away, I leaned back against the pillows, feeling a sense of relief and relaxation. He pulled the sheets over me giving me a kiss on the forehead. My eyes closed and within seconds I was out cold


As I stirred awake the following morning, I nearly rolled over onto something soft and squishy, causing me to jump in surprise. Blinking away the remaining sleep from my eyes, I peered down to see a gold balloon lying next to me on the bed. My heart skipped a beat as I realized what day it was – my birthday.

Teenage Fever | Jude Bellingham (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now