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𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒔𝒐𝒏
Tough Love

"Very funny guys!" I said picking up the clipboard one for the players hid, that silly little action really put me off track for most of my shift. I honestly thought I was past the pranks by now. The weekend was over and here I was back at work.

"Are you leaving now?" Jude said as he approached me.

"Yeah, I have to study," I told him watching his expression turn to sad.

"You still haven't said anything to me about Saturday," he said, my heart skipped a beat. I was a bit worried he forgot what day it would've been.

"I don't have anything planned" I revealed.

"Alright, I'll take care of it. Let me know when you're in safely okay?" He said firmly, it was so attractive when he took charge.

Back on campus, I wasted no time. After a quick shower and a bite to eat, I sent Jude a message to let him know I was in safely then I headed straight to the study hall. I knew I was falling behind on my readings, so I needed to catch up.

"Wow, not you studying without me?" I heard Trent's voice and looked up to see him walking in with his study materials. Before I could respond, he pulled the seat in front of mine.

"I think you should know by now that we need to talk," I said as he opened his MacBook.

"About what now?" he replied, his expression a bit clueless, which I found cute, but I couldn't focus on that.

"I'm seeing someone, and we agreed to just be friends. I feel like you crossed a line," I started, feeling a bit uneasy about the conversation ahead.

"I know," he answered quietly. "I know you're seeing someone, but you can't still be upset over an innocent playlist. I'm really sorry you took it that way."

"That's such a backhanded apology," I retorted.

"No, I really am sorry. I would never intentionally mess up our current relationship," he insisted, his tone sincere.

"Regardless, I still don't think we can be friends, just out of respect for him," I stated firmly.

"You can say his name," Trent replied, avoiding eye contact. Despite not looking at me, I could sense and feel his sadness. "I know it's Jude."

"How did you arrive at that?" I asked, wanting to understand his reasoning.

"Let's not do that. You acted like I was weird for reacting the way I did when I saw him flirting, but deep down, you knew something was going on there. You had me at this man's game—"

"Real Madrid's game," I corrected him, interjecting to clarify.

"Brielle," he said firmly, his tone serious. "You had me at his game like an idiot. Yes, I should've fought harder, but I can't fight losing battles. I knew he would've been the one you would have chosen, and I thought the pain of walking away was far better than experiencing that hurt."

I remained silent, digesting his words.

"I know it's him because Reece told her boyfriend about some note she saw on your desk signed 'JB', and I assume the roses were from him too," he added, providing his evidence.

Teenage Fever | Jude Bellingham (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now