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𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒔𝒐𝒏

As I sat in class, trying to focus on the lecture, my mind kept drifting back to the events of last night. Jude had taken me on the most romantic date I could have ever imagined, and for a few blissful hours, it felt like nothing else in the world mattered.

But now, as I sat here surrounded by my classmates, the weight of reality came crashing down on me once again. I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment that had settled in the pit of my stomach.

The internship. The email I had received three days ago, informing me that I had been waitlisted for the position I had worked so hard for. It was like a dark cloud hanging over my head, casting a shadow over everything I did.

Try as I might to push the thoughts aside, to focus on the task at hand, they refused to be silenced. Every word the professor spoke, every word on the board, seemed to blur together into a meaningless jumble as my mind raced with worry and doubt.

Who was the lucky prick? If they accept which I'm sure they will or have I would've missed out on an opportunity I really wanted. The thoughts filled me with a sense of dread, a sinking feeling of despair that threatened to overwhelm me.

I glanced down at my notebook, the pages filled with scribbles and doodles that bore no resemblance to the notes I was supposed to be taking. I couldn't concentrate, I couldn't focus on anything.

This went on until the class ended and I was free to go. On my way out I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked around to see it was Trent, we haven't spoken since he dropped the we should just be friends bombshell.

"Hey," I said trying to sound cool.

"Are you okay? I could tell your body was present, but your mind seemed to be elsewhere," he observed, his concern evident in his expression.

Once again, I found myself unable to hide my emotions.

"I'm just so disappointed. All that hard work, and what did it get me? Nothing," I sighed, feeling the weight of my frustration settling in.

"What are you talking about?" Trent's confusion was obvious, and I couldn't help but chuckle at his perplexed expression.

"I'm not sure if you're aware, but there was an internship opportunity for the research assistant position in the psychology department. Anyway, I ended up being waitlisted, and I'm just so frustrated because I put in so much effort, and it feels like it's all for nothing," I explained, trying to keep my emotions in check to avoid breaking down in front of him.

I glanced at Trent, trying to decipher his expression, but he seemed lost in thought, unable to find the right words to say.

"I wish I knew who it was so I could curse them. I just feel robbed. I can't catch a break around here," I grumbled, frustration lacing my tone as I released a heavy sigh.

His brows furrowed in concern as he considered my words. "It really means that much to you?" he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.

"More than you or anyone can understand," I admitted, the weight of my disappointment pressing down on me like a heavy blanket. "But I need to make peace with it. I'm sure the lucky person will or has accepted it because who would pass that opportunity up? I have to go," I said, feeling the familiar sting of tears threatening to surface. I didn't want to unleash my frustration on
him, so I turned and walked away before he could respond.

Teenage Fever | Jude Bellingham (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now