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𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐥𝐝
Brum Bitch

"I'm not feeling the vibe tonight," I groaned as we stood outside Club Elixir.

"Well, you're already here," Jarell pointed out, checking the time on his phone.

We were waiting on Luis, who claimed he knew someone who could get us in VIP. He always said that, but it usually ended with disappointment because either the person he 'knew' didn't show up or he 'couldn't get in touch with them'.

"How did we let Luis talk us into this again?" Dominik asked, fixing his hair with a sigh.

"I should be studying," I mumbled. "By the way, Doms, I swung by your room earlier today. I wanted to drop off your controller, but some lad who saw me knocking said you were on the second floor."

"Huh," he said, looking a bit startled as Jarell and I exchanged glances. "Why would I be on the second floor? Men really do lie unprovoked," he added with a chuckle.

"So where were you?" Jarell asked, continuing the conversation.

"I was in my room. You know I listen to my music really loud. You were probably knocking while I had my earphones on." He responded.

"Luis has 5 more minutes to get here; we look like three losers outside the club right now," I  remarked, scanning the area for any sign of him.

"Well, we could head inside and just wait for him there," Dominik suggested.

I was about to respond when Luis approached them, his trademark grin firmly in place. He was accompanied by a girl none of us had ever seen before, which prompted a silent exchange of glances between us. I knew that Luis was still reeling from his breakup, but his ego would never allow him to admit it.

"Hey, guys!" Luis exclaimed, wrapping an arm around the unfamiliar girl's shoulders. "Meet Camila."

"Nice to meet you," I said politely, offering a small smile. Dominik and Jarell echoed similar sentiments, however with slightly more guarded expressions.

With introductions out of the way, Luis took the lead, gesturing for the group to follow him. Elixir was a high-end club, frequented by artists, influencers, footballers and even a few movie stars. I had only been here once before, and I usually felt a bit out of place. So I could only imagine how much worse it would be in the VIP section, surrounded by the elite of the elite.

As we made our way inside, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease. The pulsing bass of the music reverberated through my chest, and the dim lighting cast long shadows across the crowded dance floor. Everywhere I looked, people were laughing, dancing, and enjoying themselves, but I couldn't seem to shake off my sense of discomfort.

Just as we were settling into the atmosphere, Edgar, Luis' friend who apparently worked at the club, approached us with a grave expression. He explained that the VIP section was unusually full tonight, with some high-profile footballers dominating the space. I exchanged a knowing look with Jarell – this was classic.

Luis, the smooth talker, immediately began to plead. He begged Edgar to see what he could do, promising him a hefty tip if he could manage to get us into VIP despite the overcrowding.

Teenage Fever | Jude Bellingham (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now