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🌅Morning 🌄

Shubman woke up because of alarm for there departure to Bangalore they have their next match with CSK so today they will go MI will stay here there next match is with Lucknow in Mumbai so they don't have to go any where.

So Shubman woke up and saw Ishan sleeping 😴 peacefully so he didn't disturb him he just kissed 💋  him on forehead and got up to do his Morning routine.

There flight is at 2 pm before that he and Abhishek have a meeting with the person who has taken ishan's stalker so he said that he wants to meet his friend  who stays here and he will be back by 12 to his team mates he kept a note for Ishan since he was still sleeping.

It was 8 in the morning when he reached at the meeting place Abhishek was already there waiting for him.

**************In the meeting **********

They were at some wherhouse type place.

Raj: aren't you a Cricketer Mr Shubman Gill may I ask what you are doing here.

Shubman:- No you can't ask yes I am a cricketer so what it is none of your business what I am doing here.

Raj did not reveal that he is ishan's brother since Ishan has also kept his family details secret only Rohit, Hardik and Mayank know about his family that his father is an politician and brother is an well know businessman.

Raj didn't like the way Shubman talked to him first he is elder than Shubman so Shubman should respect him but he was really rude.

Abhishek:- I apologise from his side he is my business partner but he doesn't want anybody to know about it so please if it is possible can you please keep it a secret.

Raj:- Gossip is not my thing so you can rest assure I don't care about whatever he does other that cricket.
I don't have that much time to think about others.

Abhishek:- Thank you so much.

Shubman:- why are you apologising and saying thank you look mr Raj whatever your name let's be on point give me that bloody basterd and we are good and don't have to see or talk to each other since you said you don't have time what do we say.

Raj (laughing sarcastically):- wow seriously are you asking a favor or ordering me look kid 1st thing you should respect your elders and if your asking for something you should ask politely and if you have did something of any of this I would have perhaps give you that basterd but not now you can go meeting is over.

Shubman:- Who the hell are you calling a kid ....cut by Abhishek

Abhishek:- Mr Raj I really sorry for whatever Shubman said to you please we need that person he has done something really big crime and if you want we can have a deal we will provide you Dimond membership of our security agency 😊 that to absolutely free please can you consider it.

Shubman:- what the hell are you doing Abhi we can just take that person forcely from him and you know that we are very capable of it .
Shubman said while glaring at Raj.

Raj:- Mr Abhishek Sharma thank you for the offer but we are in no need of any security agency we have our security that is very capable to protect my family and me.
So please leave said sternly this time while looking at Shubman.

Shubman(Angryly):- Abhi let's go we don't have to ask him we can just take that basterd from him you don't have to plead in front of this Mfucker.

Raj:- What did you say take that back.
[Raj is very angry 😠 now]

Shubman:- I won't what will you do huh.

Raj:- Just see for yourself then what I will do
[While dialing someone]
Raj:- Just put him in Boling water and burry him alive that will be enough for that basterd.[Raj said angrily]

Shubman(Angrily):- Don't test my patience Mr Raj I want to torture that basterd myself don't you dare kill him before that.

Raj:- What will you do huh it's not like we are anywhere related with eachother and second thing it was you who started this I was politely talking to you guys especially you who is a cricketer because of my brother who loves cricket or you would have seen how I talk Just because of my brother I am leaving you Mr Gill.

Abhishek:- I am really sorry please forgive my friend whatever he said please don't be angry we both are from well know Companies we shouldn't fight like this I am really sorry just please torture that basterd nicely before killing him that will we enough.

Shubman(Angrily):- What the hell Abhi I want to torture that basterd with my own hands can't you understand what I am feeling after what that basterd did huh.

Abhishek:- And who's fault is it huh is it my fault what can I do atleast he will be nicely torture by him shouldn't you be happy by that.

Raj:- look Mr Abhishek Sharma just because you are very polite and not like this rude kid I am letting you so please I am pleading get lost from here now and I will not hold any revenge regarding whatever Mr Gill has said to me huh.

Shubman:- I don't care if you will take revenge or not do whatever you want I am not scared of you.

Abhishek:- Shubman shut up Yes Mr Raj we will leave sorry for whatever my friend had said to you and I will be really happy if you don't think about any revenge 😊 because it will be beneficial to both of us.

Abhishek dragged Shubman from there.
***Outside in the car ****

Shubman:- What the hell Abhi why did you dragged me huh.

Abhishek:- Look  you don't want any unwanted attention right and if his and our company will fight then obviously your identity will reveal to whole Country so do you want that and second thing since Ipl is going you won't be free then how will you torture that basterd isn't this good that someone will torture him in place of you so just keep quiet and be happy that he will torture him even though because of you he was trying to kill him he still didn't wanted him to die easily didn't you herd what he said to boil and burry him alive so just think how will he torture him of he is given time so be happy just bu thinking about it.

Shubman while thinking that Abhi is right.
Shubman:- Ok fine whatever but I don't think after today That Raj and I will be in any good in talking in coming future so don't even think about any deal with him if you are thinking anything just remove it from your brain.

Abhishek:- You know what I just wish you regret someday because of your short tempered and rudeness.
Atleast then you will try to get less angry and being rude with others.

Shubman:- That will never happen. Don't worry and it was him who made me angry so just shut up.

Abhishek:- we can't say anything can happen in future let's see if you will regret or not in future.

Maybe today Abhishek's wish will be true😁😁😁😁.

Sorry Guys for this late update since I was really busy but I promise it wan't happen in future😊.

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