Chapter 20

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"Hey." Jason says really loud, because of the music is so freaking loud, as he gives me a hug. I actually thought he was going to be one of the first but there is like already half the school here when he shows up.

"Hey." I answer with a big smile. We walk into the living room where people are talking, some are also dancing. And even though it's only like 9.45 pm, a lot of people are already wasted. We then walk outside where there also are people.

"Hey Cali, awesome party." Someone shouts to me. A girl, whom I do not know.

We walk back into the kitchen and grabs something to drink. I am just about to grab a beer when someone pulls me by my arm and leads me into the living room. I look up at the person and see that it's Ethan. He sit's down on the couch next to on of his friends. I look at the other couch and the chair and see that there are sitting more of his friends. Even Jamie and his friends are there.

"What's up?" I ask smiling and sits down next to Ethan. I look back at where Jason was stading just moments ago and sees that he is not there. I look around and find him talking to some girl, and I am actually starting to get a little mad at the girl for talking to him. But why would I be mad at her? I don't even know the girl.

"We was wondering if you wanted to take a shot with us." Ethan asks and everyone nods and says 'yes'.

"Sure, why not? It is a party after all." I smile.

And apparently one shot turned in to another and another, and not long after that, I've lost count. We keep taking shots and when there is no more in the bottle, one of us goes out to the kitchen and comes back with another bottle. When we have finished that, I decide that I probably should take a break, just for now. I try to stand up but fails and almost fall to the floor but someone grabs me before I land. I look up and see Jason standing there with a smile on his face.

"You okay?" He asks getting a little concerned.

"Yeah, of course. I just had a couple of shots, that's all." Or more like fifteen or something. But I don't tell him that.

"Maybe you should get some fresh air, huh?" He asks and I nod.

Jensen's POV

Me and Jared are sitting on the bar chairs in the living room. We never actually use these chairs, we just have them, but right now, me and Jared have to sit here because some kids took our seats on the couch. Some of the girls from Cali's school have been coming over to us once in a while, just to talk to us. But everytime they are standing infront of us they can't stop giggling. And it is worst when one of smiles at them. I have also heard some boys talking about betting on who is going to win the pool game there apparently is going on in the other living room next to this. That room we also almost never use. We kinda only use that room when we are having a lot of people over and they are staying for the night because there are like two or three couches in there. Hey, maybe me and Jared should join them in there. Then we could get to sit on a soft couch.

"Chriss is so fucking crazy, guys. He has like won over everyone he has played against. No one have beaten him yet." I overhear a guy say to his friend. I look over at Jared with a smirk and he gives me an awkward smile.

"Wanna play some pool?" I ask him.

"Sureeeeeeee." He answers. We stand from the barstools and before we walk to the other room I slide my fingers through my hair making it messy. We walk over to the guys at the pool table and they all look up at us.

"Somebody wanna play against me? I'm sure I am going to win." I say making my voice sound a little drunk. I think they are pretty convinced that I'm drunk because they all smirk and laughs at me, all knowing that I am going to loose, but I am a really good actor.

"You are playing against me." A tall guy with says.

"Okay, let's get started." I say and grab a pool stick.

They tall guy is starting. When it is my turn, I 'accidently' fails when trying to shoot the ball, which make them all laugh. Not long after that the game is over and I lost. Of course on purpose.

"It was a fun game." They guys says smirking and everyone lightly laughs at my failure.

"Can we try again? I know I can win over you." I say still sounding drunk as fuck.

"No, Jensen. Not again. You know you are just gonna loose." Jared says, playing along.

"You should listen to your friend over there." He says to proud of himself.

"Are you scared that I might actually beat you?" I ask. And he laughs at that.

"Okay, fine. Let's play." He says and sets up for another game.

This time I am going to start. I lean down aiming for the ball. I then look at with a smirk and shoot the ball, and everyone looks at my shot with big eyes.


"That was fun." I say to the kid who looks so surpriced.

"How could you play so damn good when you're drunk?" He asks stil sounding surpriced.

"I'm an actor. It's my job to look and sound convincing." I answer.

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