Chapter 29

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It's day two of shooting the 10th episode of season 10 and we have already been here at the set for two hours. I'm not in the scenes they have done so far. And I don't even know if I'm going to be in any scenes today.

Yesterday we go a lot done, but we still have a lot left. After shooting all day yesterday, we decided to watch some tv when we got back to the apartment. There wasn't anything on and since it was after 12 am we thought that maybe it would be a good idea to get some sleep. And I slept amazing. The bed he has in the guest room is so comfy. Not at comfy as the one I have in my room back home, but close enough.

"What time is it?" Jensen asks as he sits down on the floor next to me. He is currently taking a break while the directors are working on something. I look at the time on my laptop.

"It's almost ten am." I tell him. I don't really know what to do other that sit on the floor with my computer while watching Jensen, Jared and Misha shooting their scenes. I can't wait for this episode to air. I think it's going to be pretty good.

"Wow, have we really already been here for two hours?" He ask and shakes his head slightly. "It feels like 30 minutes."

"Time goes by faster than you would think." I smile.

"Jensen." One of the directors calls. Jensen says bye to me and walks over to them. Five seconds later he comes back.

"You know, you could just go back to my trailer and watch some netflix on the big screen or something. You don't have to sit here and wait for us to get done. We'll probably be here all day." He tells me.

"Ohh, okay. Sure. Is it locked?" I close the laptop and stand up.

"Yes but here is my keys. And if there is anything you need you can just find ask someone. Don't be afraid to talk to them. They don't bite." He smiles and hands me his key. I thank him and go outside. Good thing I brought a jacket because it's raining at the moment. I lean a little forward so the computer doesn't get wet and then walk fast towards his trailer.

It isn't locked when I get to it. But he told me it was? Did he forget to lock it? Maybe someone has been in here. He can't be the only one who has a key. I get inside, hang the jacket over a chair and sit down on the couch with my legs up.


It's nine pm now and the guys have just gotten off work. We have decided to find a place to eat some dinner at. We don't know where yet. I suggested McDonald's but I don't know if they want that. They just said maybe. Maybe we'll just get some pizza. I feel like I've gotten a lot of pizza lately.

After I chose to watch Netflix in Jensen's trailer, I went through the channels before turning on Netflix but came across CSI. Apparently there was a CSI marathon on one of the channel. And that was just what I watched for a couple of hours until it was about four pm. I then took a nap for thirty minutes but got woken up by Jensen and Jared entering the trailer. They had gotten a ten minutes break. And when they left I got back to the CSI marathon.

"Where do you guys wanna eat?" Misha asks while looking at the road.

"I don't know." Me and Jared answers at the same time.

"We could eat at the Hard Rock Café. Who's up for that?" Jensen suggests.

"Sounds good." Jared answers and I nod. Misha agrees too and starts driving towards the destination.

"I haven't been here in a long time." Jared says as we get out of the car. We walk to 200 meters to the Café and get inside. There's a lot of people.

"Guess we weren't the only ones who thought of this." I say while looking around.

"Well, you weren't the ones who thought of this. It was me." Jensen says proud.

"Let's just see if they have a table." Jared say smiling and walk over a waitress. They talk for two minutes and then he comes back. "We're lucky. They have one left for four people."

The four of us follow the waitress upstairs and over to two tables standing next to each other with two chairs on each side. They are placed next to a window and I sit down on the left side next to the window so I can look outside. I look around at all the people sitting at the other tables. It's actually quite funny that so many people are eating at a restaurant at this time on a Tuesday. Don't they have work tomorrow? The only reason me and the guys are out now is because they just got off work.

The waitress hands each of us a menu and walks away. It only takes us five minutes to choose what we want. But even thought it took us that short amount of time we still wait for almost ten minutes before the waitress comes back and asks if she can get u something to drink.

"Well, we are actually ready to order the food too." Jensen says.

"Oh, okay. Just a second then." She say with a smile and then touch some buttons on the tablet she is standing with. She looks up, hinting that she is ready to write down our orders.

"I would like to have the Cheese Burger with fries and a coke." I say and she writes it down.

"The same for me," Jared tells her. "But instead of a coke, I would like a beer." He says. She writes it down and then ask what beer he wants. He show her the one he wants. I don't know the name of it.

"And I'll have the Original Legendary Burger with fries and the same beer as him." Jensen says.

"And I'll have that as well." Misha say and nods towards Jensen meaning that he wants the same burger and beer. Well not the exact same burger and beer. I'm sure he wants his own and not eat Jensen's.

She tells us that there will be a minute before it's ready and then walks away. We small talk about random stuff and the waitress comes back with our drinks. That was pretty fast. "There will just be a couple of minutes before your meals will be ready." She tells us with a smile.

"Okay, thank you." Jared smiles and she walks away.


We pay for the food and walk downstairs to the gift shop. "You can't leave here without something from the gift shop." I say and hurry over to the hoodies. I pick the grey one with their logo on. Jensen pays for it and when me and him turn around, we see Jared and Misha pulling out some of the hoodies and trying them on. They look like they are having so much fun but immediately stop what they are doing when they notice us staring at them.

"Looks good," Jensen say and turns around to face the lady behind the counter. "I'll pay whatever those kids in the back wants." He tells her. At first she looks a bit confused but then gets that he is talking about the two grown ups.

They both pick the same one as me. Jensen pays again an we leave for the car. On our way towards the car some paparazzi has spotted us and are taking pictures. Jensen has his arm around me, trying to hide me as much as possible from the cameras. Even though a lot of people already knows who I am, I still get why he does it. If I were famous and was walking around in the city with my kid I wouldn't want people to take pictures and post them on the internet. But of course it's impossible to avoid that since I spend a lot of time with him. But it's nice to see that he wants to protect me.

When we get to the car, we all hurry inside and Misha drives as fast as the speed limit is, without running someone over, away from here. He drops me and Jensen off at Jensen's apartment first. We get inside and the first thing we do is brush our teeth so we can go to bed.

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