Chapter 3

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Cali's P.O.V

It has now been three days since Jensen and Danneel was here and today is the day I am going to be their foster kid. I am a little excited and a little nervous. Louise has told me that it's only going to be Jensen who picks me up since Danneel isn't home. I check the clock on my iPod. It's only 10am. Jensen is going to be here at 12pm and I have already packed my stuff. What can I do to waste the time I have left here? Ohh, I almost forgot. I have to say goodbye to Jasper and wish him good luck with adoption he will get one day. Better sooner than later. I feel really sorry for leaving him here when he has been here longer than me. I have only been here two months while he has been here two years.

I walk out on the hall with my bags in my hands and put them down on the floor. I take a look around and then begin to walk down to the boys hall. Jasper only share his room with one other boy named Dan. Dan doesn't talk much. I have never talk to him. I have tried to get to know him but he wont even say hi when he walks past you.

"Jasper, hi." I say with a big smile when I walk into his room. He is sitting on his bed playing with some toys.

"Hi Cali. What's up?" He ask without looking up at me.

"I just wanted to say goodbye." I say. What if he doesn't know that I'm moving? Will he be sad?

"Why? Where are you going?" He ask and looks up at me.

"I'm moving. Haven't someone told you? The people who was visiting three days ago decided to take me in." I say happy. His emotion turns from glad to sad. Ohh no, I hope he doesn't start crying. I will feel so bad leaving if he starts to cry.

"Wow. Um.. Congratulation Cali. I'm glad you can get a home." He tries to smile but fails. I can see that he is happy for me but still wanted it to be him. He looks down for a minute then look up again with tears in his eyes.

"Jasper. Don't cry. I can't leave if I know that you will be crying." I tell him.

"Don't worry. It's happy tears. I'm happy for you," he smiles. "When are they here?"

"Almost two hours," I say. "Wanna go watch a movie in the living room?" I ask and he nods.

We talk about what movie we wanna watch as we walk to the living room. I let Jasper pick a movie since I was the one to pick one last time and this is also maybe the last movie we will see together. I ask him what he wants to see when he sits down on the couch and I walk over to the television.

"I wanna see Spider-Man, because that was the first movie we saw together." He say with a smile.

"You.. Remember that?" I ask and he nods. I can feel my eyes starting to tear up.

"I also remember what the first thing I ask you was," he say. "I ask you if you liked drawing because I did."

"And I answered yes and you just stood there in front of me with the biggest smile because you finally had someone to draw with," I laugh at the thought about it. "It feel like years since we first met."

"Yeah. But maybe after you moved we can still be friends and you can come visit me here." He smiles at the idea.

"Of course we will still be friends, and I will try and visit you as often as I can." I tell him. I find Spider-Man and puts it on. I take the remote control and sits down next to Jasper.


As the movie is about to end, Louise comes into the living room. She asks me if I have packed all of my stuff because Jensen is here to get me. I nod and tell her that my bags are out in the hall but I just need to say goodbye to Jasper. I hug Jasper for a long time, and let go. I wish him good luck and promise that this isn't the last time we are going to see each other. I hope that where I am going to live now isn't a long way from this place. I go to the hall to get my bags and meet up with Louise and Jensen. All the other kids and people who work here is standing together to say goodbye to me. I am going to miss all of them. Most the people who has been nice to me. Jensen tells me it's time to go and I wave to them one last time. We walk out to the car and I see that he is driving one of my favorite cars. A Range Rover. I love them. Espicially the big ones. I've alway wanted one and now I do. Or at least my foster family has. But I'm sure that when I'm old enough I can drive it. If I'm still with them. I have seen tv series were people get into foste families but then they have to go back to orphanage because something happened or the girl or boy didn't do what the grown ups told them to.

"How long till we are at your home?" I ask after five minutes of driving in the car.

"About one and a half hour." Jensen answers while looking at the road.

"What am I going to do when we get there?" I ask.

"Just act normal. Do what you are used to do at your old home." he tells me.

"At my 'old home', as you call it, I used to make dinner, clean the whole place, pay the bills, and all the other stuff because my mom was sick." I tell him and he look over at me with what looks like worry in his eyes.

"Ohh... Well you don't have to do that. Just do what anyother teenager do." he tells me and look back at the road.

"And what do they do?" I ask.

"I don't know. Hang out with some friends. Watch netflix. Listen to music. Read a book if that is something you like doing. I'm sure Danneel has something you can read." he say.

"I don't have any friends where we are going." I tell him.

"Oh yeah, thats right. Which actually reminds me that we have to find a school you can go to. Are you into anything sport?" he asks me.

"When I was in middel school I played baseball. But I don't do anymore or any other sport.'' I say.

''Okay. Do you want to play any?'' he asks.

''No, not really. I'm not that sporty type of girl.'' I say and he chuckles.

''Okay,'' he answers. ''Today it's wensday, right? What do you say about we see if you can get into a school and start on monday?'' he ask.

''Okay, but where?'' I ask.

''I don't know. I don't really know so many schools close to where we live but we can look it up when we get home.'' he offers and I agree.

After one hour and twenty minutes we are almost at the house. I have never been to Los Angeles and from what I have just seen while we drove through town looks nice. I think I will like this place. Jensen drive up at a road with a lot of beautiful big houses. He drives up to the house at the end of the road which is the most beautiful of them all. It also looks like its the biggest. He park the car in the garage and we both get out. There are a lot of tools and things you can use to fix things. I take my bag and we go inside. The first thing I notice when I get inside is that the house isn't just beautiful on the outside but also on the inside.

"So what do you think?" Jensen asks me because he saw me looking around with big eyes.

"Are you kidding me. I have never seen a house more beautiful as this." I tell him and he chuckles at my comment about the house.

"Yeah, it's pretty awesome," he smiles. "Here, let me show you to your room."

"Wait. I get a room?" I ask surprised.

"Yes. You get your own room." he say.

"I get not only a room, but my own room?" I ask even more surprised.

"Yes. Danneel have been doing your room ready for you for two days and she got done with it last night," he tells me. "Why are you so surprised by that? Didn't you have your own room at home?"

"Yes, but I just thought that I didn't get my own room because you just are my foster family." I admit.

"You are in foster care here but we will still treat you like family," he say and I have a smile all over my face. "I really think you will like it here." he smiles. He leads me to the room which is up the stairs, down the hall and the second door at left. It's so big and it have both a walk-in closet an bathroom. In the room there is a king size bed, a big flat screen tv, a couch and a big mirror beside the bed. I walk inside and sit the bag down at the floor. I walk over to the walk-in closet and see that there isn't any clothes in it. Jensen tells me that me and Danneel will be going shopping for some clothes for me. I then walk into the bathroom where there both is a shower and a bathtub. This is the room any girl would want.

"If you will have me excused, I will go downstairs and look up some high schools in the area." Jensen says to me and leave the room.

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