Chapter 34

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When it's 8 o'clock, we decide to say goodbye and go home. But I guess it's about time too, because we have spend all day together, since 1 pm and now it's 8 so that's seven hours. Though, it doesn't feel like seven. It feels more like three. But people do say that time flies by when you are having fun. And today has been the most fun I have had in a while, besides being in Canada with Jensen and the other guys. But I haven't had that much fun with a friend this year. Well, it's not like I have been home either. It's only January 15, I think. I can't remember the date exactly. Just that it's Thursday.

We walk together back to my car. He took a cab here, so he's walking me to my car since he'll be taking a cab home too. I did offer to drive him home, but he said that he was fine with just taking a cab.

"Did you have fun today?" He asks when we get to my car. I unlock it before answering his question.

"Yes. So much. I really enjoyed spending time with you." I tell him with a big smile which he returns.

"That's good. I enjoyed spending time with you too. You are a really sweet and cool and down to earth. And by down to earth, I mean the fact that you don't get so wound up about the fact that people wants to take a picture with me or there is paparazzi." He says and I can see a sparkle in his eyes. I can't help the big smile on my face and I feel my cheeks starting to warm up. What is wrong with me. I just met this guy and, to be honest, I think I like him more than I ever liked Jason. And I know that I shouldn't be comparing them, but it's kind of hard since Jason really hurt me only like three days ago. But maybe it's because Dylan is older and probably more mature.

"Stop it, you're making me blush." I say and try to get them cooled down with my cold hands. I don't know if it is working but I feel them cooling down a bit, but maybe that is just my hands starting to get warm because of my cheeks.

"Aw, I'm sorry," he pulls me in for a hug and I laugh. I wrap my arms around him and we just stand like that for a bit. He pulls away and look me into my eyes. "Well... I better get going before it's getting too late." He smiles and lets go. I return his smile and he turns around and starts to walk away.

"Are you sure you don't need a ride home?" I ask before he is too far away for him to be able to hear me. It takes him a minute before turning around and walking back towards me.

"Okay, you can drive me. But lets get going then." He smiles and walks over to the passenger seats door and get in. I chuckle before getting in too.

I start the car and drive out of the parking space. He taps in the address, to where he lives, on the GPS so I know which way to drive. Right now it's 8:15 pm, and the GPS says that we will be at his house, or apartment or wherever he lives, at 8:35 so he lives kind of far away from where I live because it is the other direction we are driving than if I were driving home. I'm not gonna lie, I think I'll be home pretty late which is kind of bad because I have school tomorrow. Which reminds me of the party that guy, Jackson, is throwing tomorrow night. I don't even know if I want to go. I feel like it would be a good idea since I wasn't at the one last week but I also don't feel like going. Most because I know that both Jason and Monica will be there, but also because I want to stay home, or maybe hang out with someone. Maybe I could text some of the girls from my old school. I haven't talked to them in quite a long time, so it would be nice to catch up on what is going on with them and stuff. But I don't know. Maybe that is also a stupid idea.

The whole ride to Dylan's place is in silence. Not awkward silence, though. I park the car in front of his house. And before getting out of the car, he turns to look at me.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" He asks.

"I don't know. I'm invited to this party but I'm not sure if I wanna go. Why do you ask?" I ask him and he looks down at his hands. I'm sensing his nervousness.

"I just wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to hang out. Maybe watch a movie and eat some pizza. You don't have to say yes, of course, if you want to go to that party." He says while slightly smiling as he looks from his hands to me.

"Yeah, why not? Let do that. That actually sounds more fun that that party." I chuckle which makes him chuckle too and his smile widens.

"Okay, do you want it to be at your place or mine?" He asks.

"I can just come here. What time?" I know that me and Jamie watched a movie in my bedroom when he was there but I feel like it's different with Dylan. Also because with Jamie it wasn't a date but with Dylan it will be and I don't want Jensen so be there. No offense to him, he is a great dad, but that doesn't mean I want him to be there.

"What about 8? Or is that too late because you can come over earlier if it is." He says. 

"8 is fine. I'm not a baby." I tell him with a smile and he returns it.

"Sure," he smiles as he opens the door. "Well, I better get going. I have to get up early tomorrow morning." He says and gets out.

"Me too. Goodbye, see you tomorrow." I say. He waves at me while saying goodbye. He shuts the door and I starts driving home. I use the GPS for getting home too because I'm afraid that I'll get lost.


"How was your date?" Danneel asks when I step into the kitchen. She is cleaning up after their dinner. From what I can see and smell, they had homemade panini and I think it was with roast beef because there is a package next to the sink with probably contained the roast beef. I pull a chair over to the kitchen island and sitting down before starting to tell about the date.

"It was really fun. First we went to Starbucks to get something to drink. We spend like half an hour or maybe more there before heading out towards the carnival, where we spend the rest of the day. We talked so much and before we knew it, it was 8 and decided to head back to the car. And then I drove him home because he took a cab in." I tell her.

"It sounds like you had fun. And the guy was sweet?" She asks as she fills the dishwasher.

"He is really sweet and funny. And since he is sweet, would it be okay if I went over to him tomorrow at 8 pm? We are going to watch a movie and order pizza." I tell her. She closes the dishwasher and press the start button. She turns around leans in over the kitchen island, resting her elbows on the island.

"What about that party?" She asks curiously.

"Yes, but I don't want to go. I wanna watch movies with Dylan." I tell her. She sighs and stands up again and cross her arms.

"Well, it's good to hear that you would rather watch movies instead of getting drunk. I don't see why it wouldn't be okay, but you have to ask your dad," she says. "How old is this Dylan exactly? I know that he's supposed to be a couple of years older than you." She asks.

"He 23." I say not so loud. I know that there is 7 years between us and that, that is many years but I actually don't care. I don't think that should be a problem. And I think that people shouldn't car for that as well.

She doesn't say anything to it, which I mentally thank her for. I know that the age difference is big but I don't care. I know that she probably thinks that it too big but I'm glad that she doesn't comment it. After a little while, the silence between us is starting to get kind of awkward so I decide to break it.

"Where is Jensen, by the way?" I ask. I want to ask him if it is okay. He is probably going to say yes but I want to ask anyway, just to be sure.

"I'm here," he says coming down the stairs. I was just trying to get JJ to sleep. She didn't want to, though." He chuckles and walks over to kiss his wife.

"I want to know if it's okay that, instead of going to that party tomorrow night, I'll be at Dylan's watching movies and eating pizza?" I ask him. He looks at me with, what looks like confusion in his eyes.

"Why? I thought you wanted to go to this party with your friends?" He asks. Okay, maybe I won't be allowed to go to Dylan's.

"No. I don't want to. I would rather eat pizza and watch tv." I answer.

"Okay. I don't see a problem with that. Just remember to text me when you are planning on coming home." He tells me. I thank him before saying good night to the two of them and heading upstairs. I really need to get to bed. It is getting really late and I have to get up early tomorrow for school. I actually don't even feel like going to school. I just wanna stay home until 8 pm.

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