Chapter 26

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The sound of ambulances and people talking runs through my head. I can't hear what they are talking about because everything sounds blurry. I can make a few words out but not enough to know what they are talking about. My eyes are open and I'm laying on the ground looking up at the skies. I can't move. Not even my head. What happened? I think it all over in my head but still have no idea of what is going on. I can feel my hearing is starting to come clearer.

"Male. Around the thirties. Badly injured." Someone says. What? Are they talking about Jensen?

"Hey. She's awake. We need to get her to the hospital. She doesn't look like she's hurt badly but we still have to check and see if she have some internal injuries." A lady, with dark brown hair, blue eyes and pale skin, say and I can feel my body getting lifted from the ground.

"Can you tell me your name?" Another lady, with blonde hair and green eyes, say.

Cali, my name is Cali. I say in my mind while looking her in the eyes. The words wont come out. I can't believe this is happening. Again. And isn't it ironic that while I was telling Jensen about me and my mom being in a car accident the day she died and then me and him gets into one.

"It's okay. We are getting you to the hospital. Just hang in there." She says and then looks at the dark haired lady. She talks to me like I'm in pain, but I'm not. I feel nothing. Nothing at all. I try to move my lips but fail. The only think in my body I can move is my eyes. I can only open and close my eyes and look around. It's like I'm trapped in my own body.

"What happened?" I hear a male voice ask as the ambulances doors opens. I guess we are at the hospital.

"Female teenager. She was in the car accident with her dad. She doesn't look to be in pain and is not badly hurt on the outside of her body but we are still gonna have to check her internal." She lady with blonde hair tells the man as they push the stretcher inside the E.R.

"What about the others?" He asks.

"There are two ambulances incoming." She answers and he runs outside to wait for them. Just like last time, this reminds me a little of grey's anatomy. The doctors and the words they use. Haha. I think to myself, maybe just to cheer me up but it works.

Jensen's P.O.V

"What the hell happened? Where's my daughter?" I yell in the ambulance. I am sitting up even though the doctors have told me to lay still until we get to the hospital. But I ignore them. I need to know where Cali is.

"Also from the car crash?" A man asks when the doors open.

"Yes. Male. Late thirties..." The doctor starts but I cut him off.

"I'm thirty six, dude. And what car crash?" I ask. I'm pretty offended by him saying I'm in the late thirties.  I don't look that old just because I'm turning thirty seven in three months.

"You were in a car crash. You were in the car with whom I presume is your daughter. A man on a motorcycle drove into your car while you were driving." The doctor, I yelled at before, tell me. I look at him worried.

"Were is she? Where is Cali?" They need to fucking tell me now. And what about Danneel. Have they informed her yet? And how badly injures am I? Am I gonna die? I can't die. I have two daughter. One whom I have just met only four months ago and one whom is not even old enough to remember me if I did die.

"She's okay. She's awake but doesn't seem to talk. She is getting checked for internal injuries but so far she doesn't seem to be hurt. But right now we need to take care of you." The doctor say and they roll the stretcher I am sitting on inside. Actually, now that I think about it, this stretcher is actually pretty comfortable. Maybe I should get one? Or maybe they also sell them here? That would be awesome. 

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