Chapter 2

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After an hour and a half they come back. They are still talking with Louise. Maybe about the small kids. As they walk right passed us Jensen stops, turn around and walks over to me.

"Where are you going?" Danneel ask.

"I'll be right back." he say to her and sit down in front of me.

"Hello again." I say

"Hello." he say.

"So. Did you find a kid you wanna adopt?" I ask.

"We are going home to talk about that now." he tells me.

"Then why are you sitting here with me?" I ask.

"I wanna ask you something. Is that okay?" he ask and I nod. "Why are you here? And how long have you been here?"

"I have been here for two months," I say. "I came here because my mom died."

"What about you dad?" he ask serios.

"I don't really know my dad. I haven't seen him in maybe ten years, I think." I say.

"Ohh." he say.

"Jensen. We have to go and pick up JJ." Danneel say.

"Okay, I'm coming," he say to her. "I have to go now. I'm sorry about your mother. What did she die of?"

"A heart attack." I say.

"I'm sorry." he says and walks back to Danneel.

I spend the rest of the day sitting in the chair, looking out of the window.

Jensen's P.O.V

Danneel didn't talk to me at all in the car even when we walked inside Misha's house to get Justice. I don't know if she is mad at me but she won't talk to me. But we are having dinner at Jared and Genevieve so I hope that she will talk to me then. Maybe I should ask her?

"Honey? Are you mad at me?" I ask her as I walk into her in the living room. She is sitting on the couch with her computer.

"No, of course not." she says.

"Then what is it?" I am now sitting next to her on the couch.

"Why did you walk over to that girl when we were about to leave?" she ask.

"I just wanted to know why she was there." I explain to her.

"Why was she?"

"Because her mother died of a heart attack and she didn't know her father. She has only been at the orphanage for two months." I tell her.

"Oh my god. That is terrible." she say. I can see that she really means it. She is actually almost crying because she feels sorry for the girl.

"Yes. I don't think she is doing so well at the place. She was sitting all by herself." I say.

"What is her name?" she ask.

"I don't know. I didn't ask her."

"Why not?"

"I don't know." I say and she laughs at my stupidity.

"Okay. But we still needs to decides who we wanna adopt." she says to me.

"Yes, but we also have a dinner to attend to over at Jared's." I say.

"That's right. I totally forgot that. I'm going upstairs to get dressed. What about Justice. Is she ready?" she ask as she walks over to the stairs.

"Yeah. I like her clothes." I smile and she kiss me. I just love that woman in front of me. She is the love of my life and one of the most beautiful girl in the world, Justice is the other one. I walk into the kitchen and sees that JJ is sitting on the floor with some toys. She looks so small. And cute. I am sitting in a chair when Danneel is joining us in the kitchen. She is wearing a beautiful red dress and had her hair in a pony tale. Her makeup is very natural.

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