Chapter 8

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I wake up to the sound of a crying baby, and people running to where it is. I check the time on my phone. Oh, yeah. That's right. I got an iPhone 6 in gold yesterday after dinner. I was totally surprised by that. I didn't know that they knew about me not having a phone. After the present Danneel went upstairs to get JJ to fall asleep. While she was doing that, me and Jensen watch some tv. After we had looked throught every channel they have, Jensen found the channel cw.

*Flashback of the night before*

We look throught every channel, and Jensen zap over to the channel cw. They are showing a serie. It looks like a drama serie. Okay, I did not expect Jensen for being a drama boy, or what you call it. But then commercials comes on and its a commercial for a tv show the channel shows and Jensen, Jared and Misha are in it. I look over at him with big eyes, but then I remember that he is an actor and so are Jared and Misha. And that is their tv show.

"Supernatural. Yes. I can't wait till the next episode. What day is it today? It's friday, so that means that there are four days untill the next. I can't wait that long." he say to himself.

"You just wanted to watch yourself on tv? Or the commercial for the episode?" I ask looking weird at him.

"Don't give me that look. Jared and Misha does it too. And also, you haven't been on tv before so you don't know what it's like to see yourself on it."  he say.

"You don't know if I have been on tv before." I defend myself.

"Have you?" he ask rasing an eyebrow.

"No, but I could have." I say and he laugh. I check the time. It's already ten o'clock.

"I'm going to bed now. See you tomorrow." I say walking upstairs and into my room.

*End of flashback*

 I walk out into the bathroom and take a shower. When I'm done with that, I wrap a towel around me and another 'round my hair. Then I leave the bathroom and walk over to the closet to find something to wear. I don't know what I wanna wear. What am I doing today? Maybe I will go for a walk around in LA today. Just to see the city. I finally just decides to put on a black pair of skinny jeans and a grey t-shirt. It's probably not going to be cold today. I walk downstairs and see Jensen eating while looking at his laptop. Danneel and JJ is nowhere to be seen. I sit down at the table and he looks over at me with a smile.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" he asks me.

"Yeah, it was fine. What about you?" I ask him.

"I actually slept really good. It was just like when I have done scenes all day to an episode and I get home all tired. Thats so good I slept." he tells me with a really big smile. He looks back a his laptop.

"Where is Danneel and JJ? I heard JJ cry this morning." I ask looking confused.

"They went out. I think they are at the mall or something. I was half asleep when she told me, so I didn't really hear what she said," he tells me and I can't help but laugh at him. "But what are your plans for the day?" he ask.

"I think I will go for a walk and see the city and all that." I say.

"Sounds great. Just be home at 3 pm." he tells me.

"Why? What happens at 3?" I ask.

"Well, we are going to look at cars today, remember? It's your birthday tomorrow." he say closing his laptop.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. I just thought that since you got me a phone yesterday that you didn't give me a car." I say.

"We just got you the phone so we can get in contact with you. And if you aren't coming home after school or something." he tells me walking over to the sink with his plate and coffee mug.

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