Chapter 7

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I look around at all the students that are looking at me. I feel a little awkward with all these people looking at me. Thank god that I know the way to the pricipals office, otherwise I would have to talk to some of them. And I don't feel like want to do that right now. I mean, just not right now, because I know that later today I will have to talk to them.

I make my way throught the students to the office. The lady behind the desk probably remembers me from yesterday because she just sends me in to the pricipal. But who wouldn't, I mean they way the day was yesterday. All the students taking pictures. If I was her, I wouldn't forget either.

"Ahh, Cali." the pricipal greets me and shake my hand. I've already forgotten his name. "Glad you wanted to start today already. Why, I don't know. Every other new student would have wanted to wait untill monday to start but not you. And that's what I like about you." he tells me and sit down behind his desk. I take a seat in the chair I sat in yesterday. I look at the desk and see that there is a namesign. YES!

"Well, honestly I didn't know what else there was to do, mr. Masterson. I don't know anyone here exept Jensen and Danneel, and they both got work to do." I tell him.

"Oh yeah, thats right. Well, then I'm glad that you decided to just go to school," he smiles and stands from his desk again. "Now let me show you to the libary where we are going to get your books and then I will show you to your first class. I will have some of your class mates to show you aroung the school, when you are finished with the class. Does that sound good?" he ask and I nod.

As we walk to the libary he tells me stuff about which classroom is which class. And that I will get locker, that I can put the books I won't use or don't have homework in, inside. I actually already knew that because I went to school back in Santa Clarita. At the libary mr. Masterson asks the librarian to find the books I need and hands her a piece og paper with the books I need for my classes. When she comes back with all the books I thank her and we walk to my first class. He opens the door for me and I walk in with him behind me. I look around and see that everyone is staring at me.

"Everyone. This is Cali Ackles," mr. Masterson tells the students and some of them says hi, while others starts whispering something to one another. "She is a new students and it's her first day today. So please welcome her. And also I will need one or two volunteers to show her around after class. Anyones up for that?" he ask them and most of the guys throw their hands up in the air.

"Wow, thats a lot of hands but I will only need two. Uhh... I'm gonna pick... Jason and Matt." mr. Masterson picks two of the boys with their hands up. I hear them say yes in a low voice.

"Well Cali. You can just sit down next to Samantha." the teacher of the class points at an empty chair next to a girl which name probably is Samantha. I walk over and sit down. Samantha gives me a small smile and I return it.

"By the way Cali. My name is Charlie Dawson, but people call me mr. Dawson, and I'm going to be your math teachter." he tells me and I nod. I actually didn't even know what class I had. I just walked inside. Didn't even bother to look at the sign.


When the math class is over I take all of my books and walk out of the class and over to my locker to get rid of them. I don't wanna walk around with them all day. After putting all of them inside I close the locker and there is standing two guys. It's Matt and Jason. The guys who is going to show me around today.

"Hi. I'm Jason dallas." the guy names Jason tells me.

"And I'm Matthew Johnson, but you can just call me Matt. Thats what everyone else is calling me." Matt says.

"Nice to meet you guys. I'm Cali Ackles, but I'm sure you already know that." I tell them and thay both chuckle.

"Let us start the tour." Jason say and we all starts to walk.

"So, when did you have a meeting? I would have remembered if I had seen you here before but I don't think I have. And by the way, your last name, it sound pretty familiar. Do you maybe have any relation I know?" Matt asks.

"To answer your first question. I was at a meeting here yesterday, but since I didn't know what to do at home I just chose to go to school and learn something instead. And to answer your second. My real last name is Anderson. I don't know why people keep calling me ackles when it's not my name." I tell him.

"Well why would they say that your last name were Ackles if it's not." Jason asks confused.

"I guess it's because of my foster family. Their name is Ackles." I tell them.

"Your in a fosterhome?" they both ask.

"Yes. But they are waiting untill they can adopt me." I inform them.

"Oh my god. I know it. You are the girl I saw yesterday with her mom, dad and babysister." Jason say.

"They are not my parents, but yes. Thats me." I say.

"Then you are kind of famous, huh?" he say.

"No. I'm not. I don't think people even know that I exist other than the people I've met. I don't even think the media knows who I am. And actually I'm kind of glad about that. I want a normal life." I say.

"But if you want a normal life, why did you choose to get adopted by them? I mean, they are both actors." Jason say.

"Wait, what? Your living with a bunch of actors? Who?" Matt asks all confused. Theese guys gets confused pretty easy.

"Jensen Ackles and Danneel Ackles. You saw them yesterday. You know, the guys Jackson tried to play cool to but failed." Jason explains to Matt.

"Oh yeah, that was so awesome. I've never seen anyone talk to Jackson the way that guy did, or well you foster dad or something." Matt say.

We walk around at the school as we talk and get to know each others. Matt sometimes has a little hard to keep up at our conversation but we tell him what we are talking about. I ask the guys if they know where the drama classes are and they walk me to it. I tell them to wait ourside while I'm inside. I wanna talk to the teacher. I wanna ask if I can join the drama class. The teacher tells me that I can if I can act. She tells me that I can come back on monday because that the only day shes got time for that. I tell her thats it's a deal and walk out of the room again. Matt and Jason are still waiting for me. I ask them what class they have next. Matt has french, but me and Jason has english so me and him say good bye to Matt and goes to our class.


When I've finished the first day of school I stand out infront of the school waiting for Jensen to come and pick me up. He's late. He promised to be here at three o'clock precise. I can't even call him because I don't have a phone. Maybe I should tell that it would be better if I got a phone for my birthday than a car. When it's 3.45 pm I finally spot his car driving up and stop infront of me. I get inside and look at him.

"Where were you? I've benn waiting." I say.

"I'm sorry. I've just had some work and totally forgot the time." he tells me.

"It's okay." I tell him.

"So how was your first day?" he ask as he drives away from the school.

"It was nice. I've made two friends. They were the ones to show me around the school today." I say smiling.

"That's good. Does your friends have names?" he ask curious.

"Matt and Jason." I say.

"But they are both guys." he say looking at me weird.

"And? I can't have any guy friends?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Of course you can, but what about having girl friends? You don't want them?" he asks.

"Yes of course I do. But I've only been there one day. I didn't become friends with everyone in one day." I say.

"Haha, I would be awesome if you did." he smiles as he drive up the driveway.

Finally we're home. I know that It hasn't been a long day but I'm still tired. When we get inside it smells fantastic. I walk out into the kitchen seing Danneel cooking something. I don't know what it is she is making but it smells fantastic. I hope it taste fantastic too. Danneel asks me if I can grab some plates and put them on the table so we can eat soon. I do as I'm told and put plates, knives, forks and glass on the table for us. Also a napkin for each one of us.

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