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T'was the night of the party and all through the streets, cameras and spotlights flickered and shone on the elites. The energetic hum of people mingling and laughing filled the air. The entire city block was covered in glitter and balloons, and of course, the Californians looked hotter than everyone there.

Well, almost everyone...

"Orange, can I hide behind you?" LA whisper-shouted over the crowd into her sisters ear. Orange looked around in confusion.

"I don't see Hollywood anywhere though," Orange said, before her eyes landed on a tall, smoldering hot man, wearing a white tuxedo covered in glitter and adorned with gold chains. This man was Americas notorious brooding heartthrob: New York City. LA hid behind Orange and covered her face with her hands, as New York observed the crowd.

"Angie, don't be so standoffish! He's a nice guy!" Orange exclaimed.

"Yeah, and my ex boyfriend. The last time he saw me I threw up on him and called him a f*cking a**hole... I didn't mean it of course, but... I can't look him in the eyes after I was a total b*tch to him!" LA exclaimed. Orange frowned.

"C'mon Ange, I'm sure he understands you were in a bad place at that point! Go talk to him!" Orange exclaimed, pushing LA over towards him. LAs face went pale.

"No!" LA gasped, New York's eyes latching onto her. LA was frozen in place as he approached her, smiling warmly.

"Hola Angelita," New York said in his buttery smooth voice. LA stared at him in anxious fear.

"I'm sorry," She said breathlessly. New York laughed softly.

"Sorry?" He said. LA looked down, turning red. He lifted her chin to meet his eyes. "I'm happy to run into you... it's been two years since we last spoke! Isn't that crazy?" New York said. LA backed away.

"Yeah... um... you look nice," LA said softly. New York smiled.

"And you look gorgeous as ever. I love your outfit," New York said. LA took a deep breath.

"I'm gonna curse at you because that's the only way I know how to respond to emotional overload," LA warned. New York smiled sadly and nodded.

"I suppose if you need to...," New York said.

"You charming motherf*cker," LA spat, before looking away. "... I missed hanging out," LA muttered. New York nodded.

"We should get together sometime... it's been too long," New York said. LA was stuck, unsure what to do or say. Suddenly, she felt an arm around her shoulder.

"New York! It's nice to see you man!" San Diego exclaimed. LA sighed in relief, leaning up against San Diego. New York smiled.

"If it isn't America's finest city... you sure dressed the part," New York said. San Diego smiled.

"Angie helped me pick the fabrics... she's got an eye for fashion," San Diego said, smiling at LA, who smiled back sheepishly. New York raised an eyebrow at the pair, still smiling his notorious grin.

"I didn't realize you two were a couple," New York said. LA felt the color drain from her face, and she immediately felt sick. It's not like New York meant anything bad by saying this, but the combination of being embarrassed by how she left him and shame for liking someone she felt deserved better than her made her feel almost nauseous. San Diego paused, shaking his head.

"We're... Just friends," San Diego said hesitantly. New York laughed. LA cringed.

"Really? You two look so good together," New York said. LA couldn't take the tension anymore.

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