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(Btw, just so everyone can be on the same page, imma put in some of my author notes for y'all so you're not confused if some other Counties show up.

Btw in my headcannon the COUNTYhumans (not countryhumans) also represent the city in the county that shares the same name, so Los Angeles county and the City of Los Angeles are represented by the same person, but Malibu the city is a separate cityhuman despite being a part of Los Angeles County. There, I just made you more confused ✨

Anyway here's my notes~

San Luis Obispo-
- very friendly guy
- just tries his best to stay out of trouble (mostly just by watching all the Californian insanity from the sidelines while sipping on some nice craft beers)
- totally not an alcoholic (by Californian standards, which does not factor in wine consumption at all as long as it's in a fancy glass)

- y'know that one guy everyone has met before who wears cowboy hats everywhere, knows more about how to operate a tractor than functioning in social interactions, and can gush about any sort of car from any era for hours on end? The guy who can pull a mean drift in a pickup truck? The kind of guy who could pilot a plane all by himself with no training because of his knack in operating vehicles? Yeah, that's our Kern
- he's the kinda guy who gives off total American dad vibes but then casually speaks fluent, impeccable Spanish, cause he's Hispanic B*TCHESSSSSSSS

San Bernardino-
- he's honestly just out here living his best life.
- he's big enough to be a state and he's still chillin' as a county. That's what we call a homie
- also big Hispanic energy
- the Mexican force is strong with this one
- he's LA and Orange's younger brother
- he sometimes tags along with his sisters and their friends on their little misadventures, but usually likes to be alone

Santa Barbara-
- I'm calling her Barbie
- she's also definitely not an alcoholic
- just another beach babe, what more can I say?

- Santa Barbara's younger sister. She's basically the miniature version of Santa Barbara but also likes acting on the silver screen when she feels like it (as a pass time, y'know?)

Los Angeles-
- she needs help
- alcoholic, even by Cali standards
- she's been through a lot
- kinda mean, but it's a defense mechanism really
- Likes San Diego, but thinks he's better off without her

- fun mom energy while also having goofy teen energy
- loves Disney
- tries to get her sister (LA) to become the bright, vibrant girl she used to be (LA isn't too happy with her sister for this)
- she's happy, bubbly, childish, and usually socially inept (though still an extrovert)

- chill, low-key, just likes to hang out and go with the flow
- artistic and stuff
- he's one of those guys who's just always in vacation mode
- Orange County keeps flirting with him and it's his favorite pass-time to shut all of her attempts down hilariously and savagely
- he's also San Diego's younger brother

San Diego-
- he's hot
- beachy boy
- loves animals but also loves to eat meat so he's conflicted that way
- Likes LA but he feels like maybe she only sees him as a friend
- y'know that one guy who everyone seems to know and have a completely positive opinion about? Yeah that's him

- he is the most Hispanic you're gonna get out of the counties
- San Diego and Riverside's baby brother
- he sometimes tags along with his brothers when they do stuff, but he'd much rather be causing trouble on his own time

Ok with all that nonsense over with onto the story-)

The next day, the counties were staring at maps and compasses and trying to gage where they were.

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