Just over three months after that fatal day Regina found herself in her newly made Haven. Over the years she had become accustomed to making homemade meals for her and her son. They occasionally indulged as a treat, had their evening meals at Granny's. During her time with Emma these trips out had become more frequent. Emma was always willing to show off their relationship with the town and often went that little further to make those small family nights out that little extra special. This place was the only Emma solid place where Regina felt she could stand the absent blonde's presence.
It felt odd to enter the dinner with Henry and no longer feel the community's stares upon them. It seemed they had lost interest in whether the former Queen would break down or their son would become unstable in the absence of his other mother. There had been one set of eyes on them as they had entered though. The same pair which it seemed had been watching her every waking movement for months now. Snow White's.
Regina had ensured to keep the relationship open between Henry and his birthmother's parents. While at times both parties' dislike and disdain for the other was painstakingly obvious, both...for the most part bite their tongue and were civil for the sake of the young teen. Regina nor Snow however could say they had remained completely civil when the young boy was not around. Snow on more than one occasion had sought out her former step-mother to share her views and feelings on the matter of Emma leaving town; and how it was entirely her fault. Regina now tried when possible to have Henry with her when these little visits could occur.
Snow had watched them enter, walk to their seats and order their meal. Time as Queen had taught her to watch those around her, while being undetected. Their audience's attention had been pulled away from their show by her phone ringing. The look on the face of the other woman told her, it was Emma who was on the other end. This cut through Regina like a knife through butter. It took all her willpower even after three months of no contact, not to walk over to the other woman and rip the device out of her hand. Regina wasn't sure however if she'd scream at Emma or crush the cell into a million pieces; so she'd just enjoy her meal with her son.
Frequently sparing a glance in Snow's direction, she was thankful their meal came quickly and mercifully Henry ate his food speedily though quietly. She was surprised at Henry's lack of conversation though since he was meant to be going to his grandparents' later she supposed it meant he would return in the morning full of stories.
Just before she and Henry left she saw Snow rise from her seat and gave her a meaningful look. It even seemed the pixie haired woman wanted to come over to talk to her. There was no way Regina was going to give the people of Storybrooke yet another chance to see Snow try and put her in place, and it most certainly wasn't going to happen in front of her son.
Regina placed money on the table before telling Henry they were going home. The drive was almost silent. It was calming. It was hard to believe it was coming up to July. The last year had gone too fast. Both the good and the bad. Though the worst seemed to drag on. It was harder still to believe it had been just over three months since Emma had walked out of her life.
Upon reaching their house Henry had jumped out of the car and rushed to get his bag ready. Why he hadn't gotten it ready before their trip to the diner she didn't know. The exchange would have been better in the public forum. But it would have meant she would have to talk to Snow. However as it turned out several hours after their return home, it had been Charming who had come to get Henry. Apparently Snow had sent him round on his way home, claiming to be too busy to pick up Henry.
Regina had bite back the remark she had felt rise within her. Snow had been too busy to pick up her own grandson. Maybe she was too busy to have him spend the night as well. But she could not do that to her son. Henry got excited about the time he spent with Snow and Charming. So she hadn't said a word.
Last Thing You'll Do
FanfictionRegina could say her life was perfect… and then it got turned upside down. *Established Swan Queen*