Chapter 8

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It seemed to take an age for any response. Any sign of life at all. But then she heard movement of water and a dull thud. Regina's heart was beating faster than it should within her chest, her hand still pressed against the cold door. "Yeah... it's open" was Emma's reply. She sounded so much herself it was almost confusing; as if it was completely normal for someone to be having what Regina assumed was a bath this early in the morning.

There was a faint glow of light in the bathroom from the dimmed lights, though it took Regina a moment to adjust to the new brightness as the door slowly opened beneath her fingertips. There Emma lay in the bath, her pale skin seemed to glow in the reduced light. Despite her ready reply, the blonde was laid with her eyes closed, looking completely peaceful. Without a care in the world. No burdens or expectations, just Emma.

Regina didn't move for fear of breaking the tranquil spell upon the other woman, but it seemed her hesitance demolished it anyway. Emma's eyes peered over the rim of the tub at her, before the woman moved to sit up. The noise of the water moving seemed to echo around the silent room. The other woman ran her hand across her face as if to rid it of any water she might find there, though the low light Regina couldn't see any.

"Did I wake you by running more water?" Emma asked attentively, her eyes finding Regina's again. More water. How long had she been in here? Regina shook her head as she finally entered the room, allowing the door to close behind her. "No I just woke up and you weren't everything okay?" Regina asked slowly and carefully, rather nonplussed by the other woman's attitude.

"Yeah" Emma replied equally slowly her face and tone showing complete confusion. Regina could almost hear the clogs inside Emma's head working and saw the flicker of realisation appear on her face. The small chuckle was like music to her ears as Regina situated herself next to her bath. The tiled floor cold against her bare legs as she sat down, her chin coming to rest upon her forearm. Emma gave her a small smile which made her heart sing.

Regina could now smell her own apple bubble bath, and despite being able to see the bags beneath her lover's eyes, Regina couldn't help biting back a returning smile. "Sorry I couldn't sleep" Emma explained turning slightly before laying back down. They were now almost face to face. Couldn't sleep? Regina felt as if she could hibernate.

"My hormones are all messed up mixed with my meds, my sleeping pattern is screwed" Emma continued though now not looking at Regina. The stark reality of Emma's life it seemed was fast approaching. Neither could run from it, though from Emma's tone this almost seemed normal for her now. It was normal to be up in the early hours with a blasé attitude that her body was breaking down, and the meds given to help her were only making it worse. It hurt that this was now normal.

"My "core" temperature is shot too. Another nice side effect of the...cancer" Emma finished quietly, voice dropping to deafening hush on the last word. She might as well have screamed it, instead of the hesitant whisper that broke Regina's heart. Hesitance, it seemed Emma was worried about sharing more after her last confession. Emma turned to give her a sad smile, one of understanding. It felt as if the blonde was trying to give her courage. Courage to understand and battle this too. The former Queen wasn't even sure how Emma had to courage to fight it herself, never mind some to spare.

"I'm pretty much always cold" the other woman said softly now looking her directly in the eyes. Eyes Regina had always felt an impossible pull towards. Eyes she could never refuse. She supposed it made sense the atrocious hat and thick heavy coat, both that was unsuitable for a heat wave in late June with July only days away. The cancer had even affected her wardrobe, not satisfied with just taking her life. Emma had always had cold feet; it was something Regina was loathed to love about her.

"It's kinder a routine I've gotten into" the blonde said, sounding almost pitying for her audience to hear the explanation. "Sorry I'll get out" Emma rushed, making to move, seemingly to take Regina's lack of response as disapproval.

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