Chapter 14

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An hour later found Snow and Charming fighting over where they would line their defence inside and out of the slowly forming sand castle about twenty feet from where Emma and Regina were laid upon a blanket. It really surprised Regina that it had taken her so long to get passed their defences in their land. Emma it seemed had brightened up considerably upon seeing their son carrying multiple buckets of sea water towards their chosen spot only to fall over a small sand dune and covering Snow in the water. Even Charming joined Regina as she allowed herself to laugh openly at the shriek of horror and fright, her former stepdaughter let out at her unexpected shower. Emma had also found Pongo peering over the wall above them rather funny. Regina had chuckled as the Dalmatian looked down at them all and more so when it was with an evil looking glare, the dog eyed up Henry's castle. The teen had not taken well to the possibility that the large dog might jump upon it, ruining his hard work. Thankfully they all heard Archie's voice from the distance calling the canine away from his mischievous plans to take down the sand fort.

Emma's smile was contagious and mirrored by the other adults around her. It was a smile Regina felt tighten painfully across her face when Emma moved to get a better view of their son and his bickering grandparents by resting her head against Regina's chest. She felt the familiar pang of apprehension when Snow looked over at them after hearing a rather large bark of Emma's laughter at something Henry had said. Only the look of disapproving never came. Not even a flicker of judgment graced the other fair woman's face, only a small saddened smile. It only deepened when her eyes rose to Regina's and she realised with a shock of comprehension she saw guilt etched upon Snow's face. Guilt and shame at what had been missed, lost and all things said and done.

For the first time in almost two years she saw acceptance in the other woman's eyes. Snow had had little choice in her acceptance of Regina in their lives because of Henry. The pixie haired woman however had fought tooth and nail over their relationship, making it abundantly clear of her disapproval in Emma's choice of partner. However seeing Snow looking back at her Regina couldn't help but wonder if this was the first time Snow had really saw them. Allowed herself to see what they were like together. Not The Evil Queen with her little girl but her daughter laughing with the woman she loved, with the person that made her truly happy.

"That is so not true" Henry exclaimed loudly pulling both brunette's from their silent conversation. Emma's chin was now resting upon her forearm which she had taken the luxury of lying across Regina shoulder and upper chest. Not that she minded in the slightest.

"It so is" Emma retorted back with as much vigour as their son. As Emma lifted her head from Regina's chest, the older woman could see the sparkle glistening in the blonde's eyes. The sparkle Regina hadn't seen in over five months. Regina risked a glance over at her former stepdaughter and was glad to see Snow looked as confused as Regina felt.

"No it's not" Charming supplied with a hearty chuckle to which Emma simply sat with her mouth open in disbelief. It was clear Regina and Snow had missed some sort of dispute between their children and partners. In fact from the look of annoyance on Emma's face, Regina was surprised the young woman wasn't sat with her arms cross in a sulk.

"Fine" Emma said with an air that clearly stated she still thought was correct. Henry simply snorted clearly finding his mother's refusal to see what he did as truth as humorous while Charming looked at his daughter with the exact same expression Emma had just been giving him. It was however almost in slow motion Regina watched Charming pick up the nearest bucket and throw its contents in Emma's direction.

The bucket was by no means full however the water inside covered Emma and by doing so Regina as well. Regina couldn't help but realise Emma's shriek was much like her mother's merely an hour ago. As Emma had been sitting up however she had faced, quite literally, the brunt of the attack while Regina was merely splashed. Everyone even Henry had their mouth open in shock. By the look on Charming's face it was a move he hadn't considered before carrying out.

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