Chapter 7

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The lips against hers felt like heaven. The table that she was being forced into felt like hell; one she would accept for the former. Emma's lips felt the same as they always had. They tasted the same too. The feel of the blonde skin beneath her fingertips made her heart sing and flesh buzz just the same. The body flushed against hers as always made her brain fog and pulse race. She delighted in the on slaughter of sensations being forced upon her; and seized each of them willing.

She felt Emma shiver as their lips and teeth danced their usual dance; and tongues fought their age old battle. Regina felt Emma's grip on her forearm tighten as if she were worried she'd pull away. Even if she wanted to, Emma effectively had her pinned in place. There was nowhere else in this world, or any other she'd rather be.

It was Emma who pulled away for a second time though this time rested her forehead against Regina's. Her breathe was hard, heavy and quick against Regina's face. It mirrored Regina's as she tried to gulp in as much oxygen as possible. She did not need to breathe or feel the drum of her heart within her chest. She needed Emma. She needed the feel of her skin; taste of lips and to know she was safe.

"Upstairs?" Regina asked softly and felt Emma nod against her. Opening her eyes she realised the blonde was watching her with hesitance in her eyes. Tears clung to the dark eyelashes and it was only then, that the brunette saw the dark shadows beneath her lover's eyes. They even looked slightly sunken, only making the fair face seem gaunter than it had when Regina had first noticed Emma's weight loss. She didn't want to think about it. She wanted to lose herself in her fantasy in which everything was okay. And so she moved from the hard table digging into her spine, and pulled her partner with her, ignoring the look of uncertainty in the dark soulful eyes.

The ascent was slower and more deliberate than the last time Regina had guided Emma upstairs behind her, three months ago. So much had changed since then, both Emma and she had changed considerably. Yet the house around them still felt the same; as did the hand held firmly in hers and the love she felt for the woman who followed her without question.

The door was opened with considered care, not with the force which had caused the scuff marks upon the wall behind it during their last night together. Regina hadn't the heart or the stomach to remove them. Seeing them daily had given her the edge to be angry at the woman who had stopped just in the door way causing Regina to pause as well.

Turning she saw what she thought was fear in the blonde's eyes. What was there for her to be afraid of? She was safe in this room, just as she always had been. The rest of the world did not matter. The world outside could crumple and fall, and it would not affect them in here. It was only them, standing in their bedroom.

Regina moved their clasped hands to her hip as she moved forward. She felt Emma automatically taking hold of her, and fought back a genuine smile. No matter what was happening around them, Emma's touch soothed her. While the emerald eyes looked scared and unsure the strong, lone hand upon her hip felt sure and assertive.

Regina stepped forward with what she hoped was a reassuring smile before moving to kiss the blonde. The lips under hers responded immediately; yet another thing that had not change. Regina was clinging to the things that would never change, that could prove almost that none of this was happening. Denial would not be her friend, but it powered her movements and desires.

The kiss was not about dominance. Neither fought for it, nor wanted it. It was about connection and intimacy. The mouth that swept over hers seemed to mould perfectly against her offering lips. Regina trailed her tongue slightly against Emma's mouth and felt her easy submission to the invading muscle. Some things really never changed. The older woman could easily hear both of their hitched breaths and small moans as their tongues slid effortlessly against each other in their well-practiced dance.

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