Girlfriend Tag (R.R.)

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"Hey guys! Today, I'm doing a video with a special guest.....Who is my girlfriend!" You said enthusiastically before Reneé jumped into the couch next to you.

"Hey everyone. I'm Reneé Rapp, her girlfriend. And you might know me because I'm a singer and actor." She introduced herself.

"Okay, so now we're going to do the girlfriend tag. Basically imma ask you some questions about me and us and you need to answer properly. If you get anything wrong I'll be pretty upset because guys we've been together for almost 5 years." You explained.

"It'll be easyyyy. I know you like the back of my hand." She smiled as she wrapped her arms around your shoulder and pulled you closer to her.

"Okay, so first: where and when was our first kiss?" You asked.

"That's an easy one. We were like 17 I'm pretty sure. And I remember I brought you back to your house after our very first date. And like we were just in my car talking and then boom! We kissed." She answered, doing gestures with her hands.

"That is right! I remember that day too. So now second question: what is-" you didn't get to finish because she interrupted you. "Gimme a kiss. It's my reward." She said before puckering her lips out.

You rolled your eyes, approached your lips and  kissed her. "Is this going to be like that every time you guess something right?" You wonder.

"Yes." She said proudly.

"Okay, anyways. The second question was: when is my birthday?"

"Hummm, September 16, 2003." "Wow, I feel special. That bitch can forget anything! Like she even forgot her own birthday." You shook your head in disappointment.

"No! Fake news! That's not true!" She denied. "You know damn well this is true. Like it was like 2 years ago I think? And like she woke up like it was a normal day and she had no clue." You started.

"Then our friends and decided to make her a birthday surprise and when she came she asked whose birthday it was." You laughed.

"No....whatever. Just go to next question." She rolled her eyes as you went back on your phone.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." You said, without even looking up. "How- never mind." She said, making an incomprehension face to the camera. She knew that she couldn't win a fight with you.

"Okay. What's something I do everyday without like, realizing it. Like an habit."

"Ooh, there's actually a lot. But the main one is that every time you eat, of even when you drink you put your hand in front of your mouth."

"Oh, that's actually true. But it's because I'm so embarrassed of eating I don't know why. I just do it." You whine, pushing yourself on Reneé.

"Aww, that's okay. Don't cry little baby." She said before kissing you. "I'm not a baby!" You protested, pouting. "Yeah that must be it. Next question."

"What is the thing that you do that I hate? Or annoys me."

"I think I know that one. Is it when I leave empty bags in the cabinets?" "Yes, but no. You were close tho. The thing I hate the most is when we are in serious conversations or anything and you start laughing." You smiled as Reneé started laughing.

"You see! Like we could be in the most serious situation. Guys, then she looks at me in the eyes and try to hold her laugh. And after that it makes me wanna laugh too." You say, barely holding in your laugh too.

"And then we look ridiculous, laughing at someone's dead dog." You finished crackling with your girlfriend.

" and last question what is my hidden talent?"

"Ooh my favourite one. She so good at eating puss-" "Do NOT fucking finish that sentence." You warn, putting a hand over her mouth.

"Now I have to do more editing!" You scold. "Just whatever I'll change question since SOMEONE can't be appropriate on camera."

"You're so dramatic." She sighed. "Okay last question: Do I have any scars? If yes where and when did I get it."

"You do. You even have two! You have one on your knee. You told me you got it when you were like 7. You were playing in the park with other kids and you fell." She started.

"And your second one is on your inner thigh. But this one I don't know how you got it. But do y'all wanna know how I found out?"

"They DON'T want to know." "Little hint", she said before holding her tongue out and making left-right movements with it.


"Never ever making a video with you again", you sigh, shaking your head.

"You were literally the one begging me to film with you so...." "SHUT UP!"


"Okay guys thank you for watching this video. Don't forget to subscribe and like and share. Thank you so much mwah!" You say, doing your outro.

"Byeee!" Reneé added.


Second real chapter!!!

Hope you liked!

Mwah 💋

ShittyAssStories 💌

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