'Mom' (R.R.)

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Another one for today 😜

Don't forget to vote and enjoy! 😊

In this you're in school, but you're 21 or 22


Yesterday, you got in a fight in Reneé because she had a shitty day and took out her anger at you. You weren't hurt because you knew to not take that personally, but you wanted her to learn a little lesson. And you found the perfect solution:

The silent treatment.

Last night was the first rst part of the plan. You slept in the guest bedroom and when it was time to leave, you quietly made your way to the bedroom to take your things and went back to the guest bedroom.

Now you were in class, and your phone kept buzzing. You knew that it was Reneé, and you knew that she knew that you were receiving her messages. You just wanted to keep her on the edge.



Bebe I'm sorry for yesterday

Please I'll make it up to you, I'll do anything


Yn I know that you read my messages

I said I was sorry

Stop ignoring me


As you were taking notes on your laptop, the phone in the class rang. The teacher quickly got up and answered it.

"Hey! Yeah alright. I'll send her, thank you." She hung up and looked at you. "Yn, your mom wants to talk to you in the secretariat. You can go."


What does she means my mom? Is she okay?

I nod and got up. I made my way through the school, waving to the teachers who greeted me on the hallway.

When I arrived, I knocked on the door and smiled sweetly at the lady. "Hey, I'm Yn and my mom wanted to talk to me!"

"Yes, you can go in that room there!" She said, pointing to a small cubicle with a phone in it. "Thanks!" She nodded her head in return before going back to do whatever she was doing before.

I walk inside the cubicle and gently shut the door before picking up the phone.

"Mom? Are you okay?" "Why have you been ignoring me?!" My eyes widened. It wasn't my mom it was Reneé.

"Reneé what are you doing?! You can't pretend to be my mom!" I scolded, still shocked. "That wasn't my question! Why have you been ignoring me?! I've sent you many texts!"

"Why do you care so much? Why didn't you care yesterday?" "Oh, please, give me a break! I apologized! Like I literally send you a message where I was apologizing. And I even called you! But miss was so busy giving me the silent treatment to see it."

"Just shut up! I'm going. I'm not going to argue with you when I'm at school and you're pretending to be my mom." I rolled my eyes ready to hang up.

"No,no, okay, I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry and I swear I didn't mean to scream at you yesterday..." she gave up.

"And I love you so so much and I promise I'll never do it again..." "And...go on." I said, smirking to myself.

"And I'll buy you anything you want." She concluded, probably rolling her eyes over the phone.

"Okay! I forgive you!" "Good. I'll pick up in 5." "What do you mean? I have classes", you objected. "I do not give a single fuck. See you in 5 bebe."

Before I could talk back, she hung up.

She's going to be the death of me...


Mid chapter 😐

You can leave requests if you have any!

Mwah 💋

ShittyAssStories 💌

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