Great way to start the day (R.R.)

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You got woken up by the sound of your two children talking outside your room. "Babe", you groaned. "Reneé." You shoved her harder, making her grunt and sit up.

"What?" She asked, rubbing her eyes. "The kids are up", you mumbled against her shoulder. "Why", she whined, dragging the 'y'. "Because, it's Saturday, come on."

It took you almost 10 minutes to get her out of bed and dress her. As soon as you opened the door, your 7 years old Adelyn and your 3 years old Nicolas tackled you in a hug.

"Hey my little babies! Did you sleep well?" You asked, hugging them back. "Yes, I even had a crazy dream!" Adelyn exclaimed. "Wow! You're going to tell me about it! And you my precious little boy, did you sleep good?" You kissed his cheek as he nodded.

"Mommy, why does momma look like that?" The little girl asked, pointing at Reneé.

She was half asleep her eyes closed, her messy ponytail looked like a mess and she had to lean against the wall to not lose balance.

"Oh...she's just a little tired. You wanna go outside and play with the dog while she wakes up?" You proposed enthusiastically.

"Doggy, doggy!" Nick babbled excitedly as Adelyn called out its name. The little puppy soon arrived and followed you to the kitchen backdoor that leads to the backyard.

You practically had to drag the soulless body of Reneé with you for her to not fall. As soon as you slid the door open, both of your kids and the puppy ran outside.

You chuckled as you walked her through the chairs and sat her down in one. You then placed yourself on her lap.

"Where are the kids?" She asked, confused. "Are you even awake Reneé?" You ignored her question. She looked at you with sleepy eyes and nodded hesitantly.

Not even 2 minutes later, she was snoring, her head crashed against your chest and her arms instinctively wrapped around your waist. You chuckled and brushed your hands through her hands, hearing the cute laughs your kids made.

What a great way to start the day.


Short onee

Do you like these one where you are parents or you prefer the normal ones?

Mwah 💋

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