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6:30 am


Bip, bip, bip, bip........bip, bip, bip, bip...

I woke up because of my alarmed. "Shit..." I mumbled. I tried to get up, but I felt a strong weight on me.

I looked down and there was Reneé, her head on my chest. All the memories from yesterday flooded back into my mind.

Her saying it wasn't her fault....and the Cassie girl. I have a meeting today so I'll talk to her later.

I peeled her off of me slowly, trying to not wake her up. She looked so peaceful..

I made my way into the bathroom to prepare myself. I wrote a quick note to her and put some pills on the side table too. She'll probably have a huge hungover.

I quietly leave the house and went to my car. I can't wait to come back.

9:32 am


I woke up very suddenly, really confused. And my head is fucking pouding. I feel like my brain is going to explode.

I looked around and sat up quickly, realizing that I'm not in my bedroom. Suddenly, blurry memories from last night came into my mind.

I saw Yn in the cafe. Then I was sad so I went to a bar and got drunk. Then I remembered calling Yn. And telling her that it wasn't my fault and I don't remember the rest.

I got up and looked to side table for my phone. There was also a not and pills on the side.

'Hey it's Yn! I went to a meeting and I'm supposed to be back around 10:30. I put some pills for you because I know you'll probably have an hangover. You can make yourself some food and change into new clothes. We'll talk when I come back.

Kiss, Yn'

She's so sweet. I take the pills and make my way into the bathroom.

I sigh as the hot water streams down my body. I really needed that. After some minutes, I wash up and go to brush my teeth.

I go into her walk-in closet and pick out some clothes. A hoodie and some sweat pants. I put my hair up in a messy ponytail and go downstairs.

I make myself some scrambled eggs and bacon and go on my phone while eating.

I go on X (twitter) and see that I've been tagged many times in an article.


I groan in annoyance. Why can't they just leave me alone?

I wash my plate and put it back in its place. Yn is supposed to be here in any minute now.


You sighed, parking in your driveway. You hoped it goes well.

You open the door and walk to the living room. Reneé was there, sitting on the couch and watching something on her phone.

"Hey, I'm back", she didn't seem to notice you so she startled. She placed herself back quickly and brushed her hand through her hair nervously.

"Hey...hum how are you?" She asked, still touching her hair. "I'm good thank you. You ready to talk?" You said, sitting beside her. She nodded her head, looking more nervous.

"Okay, go ahead", you gulped.

"So, I don't know if I already told you yesterday, but it wasn't my fault. There was that girl Cassie, she was my friend and the night of the Oscar's, she 'dared me' to date you and said that she would ruin our lives if I didn't do it", she let out.

"Then she talked about how you were mean to her in high school and even after I asked you, she kept 'checking up' on me to see if I was still doing it." Her eyes started to tear up.

"And like I couldn't just break up with you because I didn't want to hurt you and I kinda started to like you. Then a few days before the party she put a lot of pressure on me and I couldn't take it..." She was full on crying now.

"I'm so so sorry Yn, I shouldn't have done this. I could've told you, I could've done a million different things, but I just kept going and please give me another chance-" She got caught off by you taking her in your arms.

"Shhh, it's okay..." you consoled her, brushing your hand through her hair. You just held her as she bailed her eyes out. "I'm so sorry", she muttered over and over again.

After a few minutes, you pulled back and took her face in your hands. "Reneé, I forgive you okay?" You said, wiping her tears.

"Really?" She asked, hopeful. "Yes, I do. And if you want a second time, we'll have to take it slow, okay", you said.

She nodded her head and hugged you tight. "I missed you", she mumbled against your neck. "I missed you too, baby."


Bad ending, sorry 😞

Mwah 💋

ShittyAssStories 💌

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