4 minutes compilation (R.R.)

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Little one while I write the long chapter!

Normal = present time

Italic = past time


"Hey! I'm Yn and this is my girlfriend Reneé", you started. "And you're watching the 4 minutes compilation!" "And also like 4 things that you don't know about us." You added.

"So number one is that Yn is like the sorest loser you'll ever meet in your life." Reneé laughed. "No, I am not."

"And plus two! Uno!" You screamed, sure that you were going to win. "Oh, you're sure about that? Take that looser!" Reneé screamed back, smashing a +4 on top of your +2.

"Uno! And UNO again! Ah- I told you I'll win!" She mocked your words of earlier. "NO! YOU CHEATED!" You accused her, pointing at her.

"I did NOT cheat! Just admit that I'm better than you", she teased flipping her hair. You grunted and swiped the card off the table aggressively.

You then stumped your foot and walked angrily up the stairs."I HATE YOU RENEÉ!"

Bip 🎬

"No, guys, that time she WAS cheating! She had like 4 cars under the pillow she was sitting on!" You exclaimed. "Liar, but whatever..."

"The next is that Reneé always likes to do stupid things! Like I don't know if she does it on purpose or if she's really dumb." You laughed. "Hey, that's not true!" She denied.

"AHHHH! YN!" Reneé screamed in terror from the kitchen. Alarmed, you coursed down the stairs to join her. "What- what happened!?"

I can say that you weren't expecting to see that: the stove was on fire. And it was slowly spreading through the kitchen.

You acted quickly and took the fire extinguisher, and spread it on the fire. Reneé was just watching you from the hallway.

After a few minutes, there was nothing left apart from a burnt oven.

"Reneé! How did that happen!?" You asked, trying to keep your calm. "I-I just wanted to know what it would do if I put a cup of water in boiling oil-"

"For fuck sakes Reneé- are you kidding me!? How can you not know what it could do!?" You yelled, tired of all the stupid things she does all the time.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry...", she apologized. "Reneé this is the last strike. If you do anything stupid, I swear I'll go live on my own!" You warned.

Her smile quickly faded. "You wouldn't dare." "Oh yes I would! And you're ban from the kitchen from now on." You said, going back to your room.

"What! You can't do that!" She argued, following you. "RENEÉ IS SWEAR-"

Bip 🎬

"Like how can you be sooooo dumb that you burn the kitchen?!" You sighed. "And it costed a lot of dollars huh? Guess who paid. Take a wild guess!"

"Guys calm down, I wasn't really mature and intelligent when I did it. And I was young!" She defended. "It was last year! You were literally 21!"

"Whatever..." Reneé rolled her eyes. "The 3rd thing is that Yn loves to eat anything, but her own food. Like she always wants what I eat!" She complained.

You just shook your head in disapproval.

"Babyyyyyy?" You called, looking at her with puppy eyes. "What?" You sighed, already knowing what you're going to say.

"Can I taste your drink pleaseeeee? "Ugh okay. But one sip only!" "I know, I know."

You drank and before you could secretly drink a second sip, she snatch the cup from your hand, side eyeing you.

"Babyyyy, I really like yours. Can we swap?" You asked, pouting your lips. "Yn, I literally asked you if you wanted the same as me and you said no!" She groaned.

"Please, I like yours better. I promise it's the last time", you whined. "Ugh, you're going to be the death of me." She rolled her eyes, passing you her drink.

"Mwah, I love you so so so much!" You kissed her cheek.

Bip 🎬

"I can tell you that I wasn't definitely NOT the last time." Reneé sighed. "I'm sorry, but it's not that deep. It's just food like-" "It's just food?! Y'all every time I want to eat her food, she will literally give me the smallest piece ever. Like??"

"Okay, I admit I do that..." you looked down defeatedly. "It's okay, I still love you." Reneé said, hugging you.

"The 4th things, I think some people know, but I speak I think 4 languages and mostly French." You smiled proudly.

"Yeah and sometimes it's really annoying! Like when she's mad at me, she'll cuss me out in French, or when doesn't want me to understand something, she'll speak French!"

"Et je vais continuer à le faire. Genre les gars j'aime trop. Plus des fois j'lui dit de dire des insultes en français pis je lui fait croire que c'est des bons trucs." You smirked, looking at her.

"You see?!"

You and Reneé were on her tour, and the first country in Europe was France. She was finishing her show, saying bye to her fans.

"And I'm like so happy to be here. Thank you so so much, I love you all so much. And you know Yn speaks French and she told me to say something in French-" She got interrupted by the crowd roaring in excitement.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry if I have an accent. So she said that in English it means I love you guys, thank you so much. Okay, Vous êtes des connards, allez vous faire foutre!"

The crowd when silent, making her confused. "Did I say it right?" She asked worried.

You were backstage, laughing your ass off. "Guys please, if this was something stupid, I'm so sorry, it's Yn, it's not me!" She whined.

Bip 🎬

You were wheezing, remembering that show. "This night was so funny...They were so confused", you breathed out. "It wasn't funny! I literally embarrassed myself!" Reneé pushed your shoulder jokingly.

"Okay....I'm Yn Ynl", you said, still giggling. "And I'm Reneé Rapp and you were watching the 4 minutes compilation!"


Y'all it was supposed to be 5 minutes compilation, but I was tired of this chapter 😭

Don't forget to leave requests!

Mwah 💋

ShittyAssStories 💌

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