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Hey y'all, I have a couple of questions and I really want you to answer them. It's for the book! Do not feel shy to comment, this is a place for everyone to speak!


Do you prefer fluff, angst, or smut?


Do you have other celebrities that you want me to make an imagine book about? If yes, who?


Do you prefer 1st POV (I), 2nd POV (you) or 3rd POV (Y/n, she) ?


I have two ideas of stories. One is 'More Than a Fan' and the other is 'Rivals'. Which one do you want the most (seems the most interesting)?


Do you like the concept of chapter based off of songs?


Do you want me to tag you in the chapters you requested?


Do you want me to put your real name instead of    Y/N when it's a chapter you requested?


Do you like more imagines with Reneé, Regina or both?


Do you want me to make chapters including some sensitive topics or it makes you uncomfortable?
(Ex: suicide, depression, anxiety, drugs, death)


What is your favourite age range for you to be in between those three? -> teenagers (15-19) young adults (20-30) middle aged (31+)


Do you like the chapters when you and Reneé have a kid?


Do you like short stories with only one part, or stories with multiple parts?


Do you have any more request?


Thank you so so much again for reading this book and I'm so grateful for all of you's. Like 31k reads in not even two months is crazy.

Please keep voting for my book and commenting, I swear they're so funny.

I hope I will not loose inspiration nor ideas for this book.

Thank you so much again 💕

Mwah 💋

ShittyAssStories 💌

Reneé Rapp imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now