The assistant

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Here I am, late again from a meeting. I'm a music teacher with some hearing issues. But let me skip this part now. Today our principal is going to introduce a new teacher assistant and I am nowhere from my work place because I'm sitting in a damn traffic.
My name is Jacob Wellington and this is my story about drama and romance. Bear with me because it'll be a slow burn.

Breaking the fourth wall, you'll see some characters from the other stories and I hope you read them too. I promise they worth , well actually you should start with them before reading this one.
The order is : Marshall, Desire of the Hearts then this story. Okay let's get back to me now.

Gabriel de Rosa, you know her already, don't you? She's my superior, principal at the school I'm teaching.

- Thank you for giving me a few minutes. I'll be quick. You might heard already that there is...
- I'm sorry Mrs Rosa but Jacob isn't here yet
- That man will be the death of mine..

The other lady is my colleague, Pearl Green. She's a young teacher, it's her second year her. Obviously boys' favorite. Unlike her twin brother, Clayton.  He's rude  and strict , you can guess how many kids like him.

- I apologize Mrs Rosa.. I was stuck in a traffic.
- Just in time Mr Wellington. Now listen please

So, let's not forget my other colleagues. 
Susan Davidson, an African American woman , she used to love teaching, she hates it now and kind of dislikes me for some reasons.
Raphael Gordon; He's a literature teacher . He was kicked out from his former job for "hitting" a student who was bullying someone. I don't like violence but I guess, some people deserve it. Mrs Rosa is strict with him

There are a few more who'll meet later on. I've been working here for 5 years now. I'm a music teacher and I loved my job with passion but.. since my accident 3 years ago I suffer from partial hearing loss
How bad is it? If I use my hearing aid it's fine but without it I'm hopeless. Well, it didn't stop me from continuing my job. I've always loved music, it heals the soul. Becoming a music teacher was a dream come true.  And I love jazz music the most. That's how I got my nickname "Jazz".  What else I love? Men. I'm gay.  Everyone in the school knows, it's an open secret . Alas, I never had luck with love.

- Now that Mr Wellington is here, let me tell you about the new teaching assistant .
- Mrs Rosa... You can't be serious. I already don't like to teach, I don't want an assistant.
- Well Mrs Davidson, bad news but you'll have to get used to it.
- Is she good looking?
- Sorry to disappoint you Mr Green but it's a he. And I don't really care if you like it or not. He comes today and starts to assist Me Gordon first.
- Fine..
- Try not to hit him.
- Ma'am, that happened only once and the guy was ..
- I don't want to hear it.

That's just great. Let's babysit a young adult. I hated the mere idea to have an assistant with me. I'm way too proud for that.

Meanwhile in the storage room

- It's cute how you still need to stand on a box if we want to kiss
- Perci, I can't always ask you to lean down for me.  Now kiss me, I need energy before I start classes
- Come here sugarpie

See? I told you that you'll see familiar faces from other stories. Yes you guessed right, Ethan and Perci was finally official, since Ethan passed 18 . Perci left his old job and followed Ethan to University so they could stay close.

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