The accident

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⚠️ This chapter contains triggering content for people who experienced/survived car accident(s) . Take a break if you need!

Three years ago

I was on my way home for my mother's birthday. I haven't seen them and my sister for almost a year. I missed them. I didn't have the clue that day will change my life so much.

- Don't worry mom, I'll be there soon. I call the car service or something. This stupid trash stopped in the middle of nowhere.
> It's okay Jacob, we understand. Get your car to service. Your father can pick you up. Just call us back when you're done.
- Alright, thank you and sorry, I really wanted to be there soon. It's your birthday.
> It really is fine as long as you're okay.
- Yeah..Talk to you soon.
> Take care sweetheart.

I was upset. It was my fault, my car was acting up for a few weeks now and I was so careless, not taking it to the service earlier.

- This stupid car is pain in my ass...!

I was dumb.. please guys, if you ever get in this kind of situation, never walk around on the seemingly empty road. Mostly not while you're on phone. I repeat, NEVER walk around like I did...
It almost cost my life .

*car honk*

CRASH the time I noticed what was about to happen, it was late. The big truck was the last thing I saw.
It crashed into my car, breaking it utterly, getting me under it.

In the hospital

- What happened? He still seems to be breathing..
- He is, but barely. Young patient , male. Serious accident on the road. Head injury, two broken ribs. Shards of glass pierced into the skin and flesh on his face, but mostly around the chest area.
- Is he in critical condition?
- He is right now, we must hurry. His ear is bleeding heavily, we need to take care of his wounds. Where is Dr Rivera?!

See? Yet another familiar name, huh? But back to the story.
The doctors worked so hard to keep me alive. It was only a miracle.

- His breathing is instable...
- We're not giving up! I'm not losing him!
- Now let's stabilize his state, his ear keeps bleeding. Dr Gonzales, change his bandage. Get his ear clean, I need to check something..

They did well. I'll always be grateful. It took them hours but they managed to keep me alive. I didn't wake up though, I was in coma. Dr Charles found the reason why my ear kept bleeding. And as you know by now, that's how I lost my hearing. Not utterly ,but half.

In the hospital hall

My parents and my twin sister were there. They were worried sick. Mom cried her eyes out , my sister too. And my dad? He was trying to catch a doctor to get some information.

- ..but is he okay now?
- We did what we could. He's better, I'm unsure how long he'll be asleep though. I can tell more tomorrow.
- My sweet baby is hurt because of me..
- Mom, it wasn't your fault.
- But he wanted to hurry for my birthday.
- We'll keep an eye on him, don't worry Mrs Wellington. Your son will heal, he's strong and he's willing to live.
- Somehow I feel there is a "but"..
- Indeed. Due to his head injury, the cochlea in his ear got caused permanent hearing loss. Thankfully, the other ear was in a better shape.

My family was devastated. Mom kept blaming herself for asking me to visit them on her birthday. Dad was blaming himself for not going to pick me right away. My sister was blaming the man who drive the truck. But you know whose fault it was? Mine.. only mine.

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