Chapter 3- Mia Butler.

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Picture of Mia ^^^^

As we drove farther and farther away from our house I just realize WE JUST LEFT OUR PARENTS.

"Daryl? we just left mom and dad." I state.

He nods not taking his head off the road. As we approach the interstate it was chaos. Families running from the dead, People being eaten alive people re animating before my very eyes.

Someone ran to our truck and started knocking on the window.

"Hey! hey please I'm not bit!" She shouts. I un lock the door and she hopped in the back.

"Th-thank you! I'm Mia" she introduced herself.

"Jesse and Daryl" I introduced Daryl and i.

Daryl decided to take the back road.

We sped past so many families in need of help, but we just didn't have the time.

I check my phone and I have a lot if text messages, most from my dad.

He was angry I left with Daryl.

We finally drove up to the bar.

We hop out of the car. And enter the bar. Merle and his drunk friends were laughing over something on Merle's phone.

"Merle lets go! we're heading for the quarry" Daryl said as Mia and I follow behind.

Mia was younger then me, 8 maybe?
So all if this must e pretty scary.

"Daryl! you gotta check this video out! This man is pretending to eat this other guy! it's great!" He laughs.

"Merle we don't have time for your games!" I shout, knowing those things could be here any

"Ugh! fine. By boys. Next Friday?" he says as he gets up and immediately falls on his face.

"Mia and I will be in the car" I announce. My brother is an idiot.

"Those your brothers?" Mia asked hopping in the back seat.

"Yeah. They're all I've got" she nods.

"I get it. Left my ma and pa back at the ranch, they weren't the same. they changed." She says looking down.

"I'm sorry to hear" I say before Daryl and Merle hop in the truck.

"We heading for the quarry you say?" Merle laughs.

"Just go to sleep, alright?" I could not handle Merle's drunk rambling. So thank god he fell asleep.

After an hour of driving we finally approach the quarry.

"We're here." Daryl announces waking Merle up.

I didn't expect to see this. People are already camped here, What're we going to do?

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