Chapter 38- Gone.

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Carl and I take the three kids inside. Which consisted of Judy, Lilly(10)and Max(8).

We enter the building. Carl enters one room as I hold the baby and the two kids follow behind me. The room is clear. I set the baby down on the couch and instruct Lilly to watch her and her brother.

"Do not leave this room." I say. Carl grabs his pistol and hands it to Lilly. "Only fire when necessary" he says.

We close and lock the door behind us.

"Well what's the plan?" I ask curiously looking up the staircase.

"The building is only four floors. We can clear it in under an hour" he says.

*1 hour later*

Carl and I finished clearing the last floor and we managed to find 5 cans of beans and 8 bottles of water.

"Let's get back to the kids" I say about to go down the stairs.

I unlock the door and see max and Judy asleep on the couch. Lilly standing watch gun in hand.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask as I set the bottles of water down.

"Yeah sorry, here's your gun Carl" she says handing the pistol back to him.

"Let's rest up." I say walking over to the door to lock it.

"What if everyone died? What if our mom didn't make it?" Lilly asks Carl as my back is turned.

"I promise you Lilly both you and Max will be alright." He says, I smile at his kind words.


I wake up and see Carl opening up a can of beans with Judy playing with a piece of old paper.

"I can't believe she slept threw the night" I say looking at Judy.

"Me neither." Carl smiles.

I look on the couch and see Lilly and Max sleeping against eachother. I smile. This made me miss Daryl even more then I already do.

"Do you think my brother is alright?" I ask Carl.

"We can only hope Jess" he says handing me a can of beans.

As I was about to take a bite I hear noises outside. Carl and I quickly jump up and look out the front window. It was Rick! Glenn, Maggie and michonne  were with him.

I quickly race outside and run to Rick and pull him in a hug.

"Where's Daryl?" I ask happily.

Rick looks to the ground and runs his hands threw his hair.

"R-Rick where's Daryl?" I ask looking at Glenn, Maggie and michonne now.

"He- he was killed when we were fighting them off. He told me to tell you that he's sorry." Rick says wiping away tears. By now Carl and Judy were standing behind me as u received the news.

"What? No, no, no! Daryl can't be gone! He can't be!" I cry collapsing to the ground. Daryls gone. My big brother gone. The man that practically raised me just gone! This isn't fair!!

Carl knelt down beside me and held me and we cried together.

"He can't be gone Carl! He was all I had left" I sob into his chest.

"I know Jess I'm sorry" he whispers as he rocks me in his arms. I hear those all to familiar groans and I look up to see a few coming.

Michonne walks to them and takes them out.

"He's gone" I say once more still crying.

Daryl Dixon is gone.

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