Chapter 24- Without Him.

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1 Week Later.

It's been a week since Carl and I have even spoken to eachother. And the time he did speak to me was when he kicked me out if our cell, so Scarlett could move in.

So I moved back in with Beth. Whenever I'm around Carl and Scarlett, she always does something flirty or attractive to get his attention.

Like today for instance I walk into the cafeteria and as soon as Scarlett sees me she hops on Carl's lap and starts kissing him, even with his friends right there.

"Hey." Ryder says as I take a shot at the basket, reluctantly getting it in.

"Hey" I smile back going to retrieve the ball.

"Mind if I join?" he asks.

"Not at all." I toss him the ball and stats positioning himself to take a shot.

"So were you and Carl like together before we got here?" Ryder asks taking his shot, completely missing.

"Umm yeah we were together. that's in the past, he's with your sister." I answer.

"So you wouldn't mind if I kissed you?" he asks walking closer to me, I slowly back up.

"I would mind. Sorry I got to go." I turn to leave but Ryder grabbed my wrist.

"Jesse please I am way better then Carl I can treat you the way he never did." he says.

I yanked my arm away.

"You have no idea what me and him have been through! now leave me alone!" I turn to walk away again but he stops me.

"No you and me are
Gonna have some fun." he smirks.

I shake me head. He leans in to kiss me when I hear a gun being cocked.

I turn around to see Carl.

"Move out of the way Jess." Carl says staring at Ryder.

I move and Ryder smirks.

"You gonna shoot me? What would my dad and Scar think?" he cackles.

"Carl put your gun down." I beg.

"He can't hurt you like that Jess!" he says.

"What he did to me was nothing compared you! Carl you hurt me more then anyone else I've ever known. Now please put your gun down." I say walking closer to him.

He lowers the gun and collapses on the ground and starts to cry.

I kneel down beside him.

"Jesse I am so sorry for what I've done to you." he sobs.

"Carl I loved you, I still do. But your with Scarlett now. Lets just leave it at that." I say standing.

I gave him my hand and helped him up.

"Carl baby?! what's wrong?" Scarlett hollers running towards us.

"Bye Carl." I whisper walking back into the prison.

The Next Day.

I exit the prison to see Rick and Dan gardening, Carol folding and doing laundry, Carl and a few of his friends taking shots at the basketball court; Scarlett and her friends watching.

I walk over to Beth and Judy who were playing under the gazebo thingy.

"Hey." I smile.

"I heard what happened with Ryder. are you alright?" she asks as I sit next to her.

"Yeah. Carl stopped him." I nod.

"I can't believe that creep was trying to do that to you." she says with a disgusted look on her face.

"It's fine, I'm fine, everything's fine." I smile.

"So did you and Carl rekindle your relationship?" she asked.

"What do you think? Scarlett is over there awing over Carl without his shirt on." I say pointing towards the basketball court.

She laughs.

"So no. I'm sorry Jess. He is the one missing out on everything." I smile.

"Then why do I feel like I am?" I aask

"Maybe your jealous?" she laughs.

I playfully shove her shoulder.

"I am not!" I laugh.

Then I see Scarlett storming over in our direction.

"You! you made Carl dump me! now your gonna pay!" she screams taking out her knife.

I slowly stand up.

"Scarlett me and Carl are just friends. Put your knife down." I say pre cautiously.

"No! you can't just ruin my relationship and get away with it!" She shouts. Causing Carl and Jay (one of Carl's friends) to run over.

Beth picks Judy up and removes her from the situation.

"Scar?! what are you doing?!" Carl hollers.

"I'm fixing the problem, she ruined us Carl! now she's gonna pay!" She lunges at me and sinks the knife into my stomach.

"NOO!" Carl shouts running to get Scarlett off of me.

Him and jay pull her off and Daryl and Rick run over.

I start to cry, Daryl sinks to my side.

"Jess oh my god we can fix this! this is fixable!" He smile grabbing onto my hand.

I blackout.

Oh My God! Scarlett is crazy! let me know in the comments what you want to see happen to Scarlett and Ryder, since they both basically hurt Jesse.

And on another note 1k?! oh my god thank you all so much!

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