Chapter 36- Breathing.

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Then Rick comes in.

"Everyone was worried about you" He says standing in the doorway.

I nod knowingly that I caused so much grieve and pain.

"I'm still breathing aren't I?" I try and lighten the mood, the only person that chuckled was Carl.

"Look Jess, Daryl and I made a medicine run to the pharmacy to grab you these." He hands me the bottles of pills, he handed me anti depressants.

"I- I don't need these" I say trying to hand them back.

I look to Carl for support but he just looks to the ground. "They could help you" he says under his breath.

"But I'm not depressed!" I shout chucking the bottle of pills at the wall.

"JESSICA!" Daryl says standing up.

"Your taking the pills, end of story." He says.

"So you want me to be all drugged up? So when the walkers get in; and believe me they will, I can't defend myself?" I say standing up.

"Don't talk like that Jess. This is only temporary." Carl says.

"I thought out of everyone in here you'd at least have my back" I say to Carl marching out of the room.

I slide down against the wall downstairs and grab ahold of Kay's necklace. "God I miss you" I whisper playing with the necklace in my hands.

"Hey you." Glenn says sliding down next to me.

"Hey" I give him a small smile.

"I heard what happened" he announces.

"Daryl send you down here to try and convince me I'm depressed?" I ask.

"No, I came down here because I want you to be healthy, alive and happy." He says with a smile.

"You get why I don't want to take those pills? Right?" I ask him.

"I honestly wouldn't want to take them either." He whispers to me.

Glenn gets it. Finally someone that can understand!

"But if It helped me get better I would" he adds

Oh, never mind, he's just like everyone else.

"I'm not sick! I'm perfectly fine. I was heartbroken from Kay! That's it! Why can't you all just understand that?!" I asked standing up.

"Jess calm down" Glenn says standing.

"No I won't calm down! I did what I did HOPING to die to be with Kay! Okay?! I admit I tried to kill myself. But I'm not in that state of mind anymore! I just want everything to go back to normal! When me and Kay would just hide in a cell all day and take Carl's stuff I want Kay to be here to tell me it's gonna be okay. But Glenn Yknow what I really want?! I want her alive more then anything. I would give up everything to have her back." I cry out.

Glenn pulls me into a hug and I weep into his arms.

Carl and Rick stand upstairs and watch. They heard everything I said.


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