Chapter 40- Shayla and Duncan

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Daryl and I have been walking for what seems like forever, my legs are so sore and numb. I'm exausted.

"Daryl can we stop and rest up?" I ask him hoping he'd say yes. Daryl hasn't said much since we left the prison.

"Yeah, of course I think there's a town up ahead." He says not even looking at me.

*20 minutes later*

We approached the town Daryl was talking about and I look for the closest house I could find. A tall white and blue one is the winner.

Daryl and I cautiously enter the house and checked for any walkers, it was clear.

Then I heard a gun being cocked. I turn to see two teenage girls around my age, one with black hair and the other with blonde.

"Woah!" I say raising my hands Daryl doing the same.

"Who are you?" The blonde one asks.

"I'm Jessica and this is my brother Daryl" I introduce us both.

"If I don't shoot you two now will I regret it?" She asks.

"No, no. We aren't like that." I say assuring her she'd be alright.

"Okay," she says lowering her gun. 

"I'm Duncan and this is my sister Shayla" she says introducing them.

"Nice to meet you." I smile.

I really hope this isn't gonna be a repeat of Kaydee. I'm just starting to get over her.

"So uhm you two can stay in the living room, don't try anything funny either." Duncan says directing us to the living room.

"Okay thank you" I say.

"So what brings you two here anyways? Shayla and I haven't seen anyone come through here in months." Duncan asks.

"Well we were camped out at the prison, but then we got attacked and our group is kinda scattered all over the place" I say running my hands threw my hair.

"Oh, sounds like you two are exausted, shayla and I will make some dinner while you two rest up" Duncan smiles.

And with that the two of them walk into what I think is the kitchen.

"What do you think of em?" I ask Daryl as we walk to the living room.

"They seem nice enough, I guess. That Shayla girl doesn't talk much." He points out.

"And neither do you" I giggled.

"Get some rest Jess" Daryl says siting on the couch. I nod and sit on the other couch and take a deep breathe before I closed my eyes.

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