Chapter 25: Various Modes of Transportation

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"You have a secret to tell us?" Wyetta echoed blankly. "What?" 

Digging a small hole in the ground with her finger, Merth muttered under her breath, "I may sort of know how to get you back home, but didn't tell you because I didn't want you to leave." 

"What?" William squawked, confused. 

"Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, I wanted to get someone who is bright and colorful like me, in this dull, drab world. So I read as many books as I can about different worlds, and asked around for information about how to get people from an entirely different universe into this world. There's not much know about different worlds because, well, some people doubt there are any other living beings anywhere but here, and no one really tried to find any information. Gathering as much information as I can, I managed to gain several abilities. I can figure out what dimension a creature came from, because they'll have the same aura as the dimension. I wasn't sure that I actually knew how, until you two came along, since everyone here but you two are from this dimension." 

"That's great and all, but how does that get us back home?" asked Wyetta. 

"Actually, I saw a portal appear earlier, so perhaps we could look for a portal that matches your auras, and you could go back!" 

Nodding, Wyetta looked around. "So, where are we going? Back to Lady Merth's house, or where?" 

"We're going to go back to my house, I'll pack cake, and other necessary items, and we'll set off." 

Nodding, Wyetta weaved through the trees, following her mental map to Merth's house. "Sounds like a good plan to me. Let's hurry up." she called, voice faint from her distance. 

She reappeared a couple trees from where she left. "Come on, guys, hurry up!" she urged, and disappeared between the trees again. 

Creakily picking herself off the floor, Merth bent back and forth, loud cracks accompanying her every movement. Finally, she was all stretched out, and easily glided through the forest, leaving William to hurriedly make his way through the wall of branches that grabbed onto him, and scratched him as he stumbled through the dark forest. 

When he finally fell out the wall of trunks and branches, Wyetta and Merth was standing in front of him, bags packed, and neatly laying on the ground as the two female excitedly chatted about some great deals they had found when life was normal. Wyetta was excitedly talking about the resale value, and how much she could have profited if she had sold the items, and Merth was going on and on about a book on ghosts she found, and bought for almost nothing. 

"Uh, hey," William greeted, unsure whether or not to interrupt the beautiful bonding moment over money. "I have arrived." 

"Oh, so you have," Wyetta stated, looking a bit surprised. "Well, I'll fill you in on what happened so far." 

"No, it's all right, I'll do it," Merth interrupted. "You just rest, sweetheart." 

"No, it's perfectly all right, I'll do it," Wyetta insisted. 

Shaking her head, Merth replied, "No, I'm the host here, I should-" 

"But I simply insist!" Wyetta replied. "Please, allow me." 

"Just fill me in," William replied, annoyed. 

"Okay, so basically, we went inside, packed up, went outside, waited for a long time, decided our destination would be Varlyn, and when we arrive, we'll stakeout there until the proper portal appears, and then talked about beautiful money," Wyetta blubbered, pushing out her words as fast as she could so Merth wouldn't cut in. 

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