|Day shift|

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Lazyly made 😔

It's been 2 days since the whole incident and I was a bit more careful, Mia worried about me and even went with me to hang out and to ensure me that I'll be okay,which I was very thankful.

I sighed as i opened the door for the door office , I decided to volunteer
And take a few shifts in the job,Henry deserved a break and I i was afraid to have let any of those doppelgangers in ,after all it was a good pay since of the risks,I benefited really good.

Apparently the D.D.D member found me useful since the other worker died and let one in..But I only took half day hours since well..i wouldn't wanna do this all day.

I sat at the seat and stretched a bit to get comfortable, after all i was going to be here quite a while and I was always introduced on how this whole thing and it looked quite simple...I think

After a bit i decided to spin around on the chair but quickly regretted it as i saw someone approached and saw you ,I held onto my head feeling dizzy and gave them an awkward smile as they slided their id and the entry request paper.

I checked on today's list and read over it then saw their entry request.Then looked up at them.

'Izaack Gauss'

×Big eyebrows
×Big smile
×Prominent chin
×Big nose









I inspected every paper,the id and his appearance, luckily he was on the list,i slided them back to him.I pressed the button to let him in despite him looking quite weird...

"You may go in now"i said giving a smile as he walked towards the door ,i then closed it once he fully entered, before another resident arrived.I saw an id and entry request,i looked up and felt my heart drop out of fear and disturbance seeing a women..the doppelganger with their eyes and mouth shut and stitched.

'What the fuck'

I opened the case of the button and slammed it hardly and multiple times, i saw the gate closed the window,there was a red light and alert flashing,i dialed the number for the D.D.D and requested for them to come.After a few minutes the gate window opened revealing the cleaner.

"Thanks for the service,you may continue your job now" they said leaving to eliminate the doppelganger,and once again i was left alone , having to wait for the next resident.I leaned my head back and doodled on some sticky notes i found.i turned around on the chair and saw a hat with the words 'doorman' on it and i quickly grabbed it to put it on. And posed with it through the reflection of the reflective plastic.

"Looking good as always..or not" I said to myself inspecting my own face.

"Hello? Can i enter?" I heard a somewhat familiar voice startling me.I turned back to see myself? I scanned them and saw my exact features.

"Ayyyy what?!' i said standing up and gasped in disbelief.I saw them slide in an id ,I didn't bother to check it since I had no twins or anything like that ,so of course I clicked the pretty red button.

This time i could hear the screams and struggles and i decided to ignored them.I interlocked my hands together smiling as if there was nothing happening.The same progress went on and did the shift for 5 more hours.

'Damn this is exhausting'

I stretched and let the next doorman enter as i left with a yawn ,i was pretty tired from all the memorizing and inspecting.I headed to the third floor to visit Mia ,i knocked on her door and waited.Sadly nobody answered and i sighed in sadness.

She was probably out ,i didn't mind at all ,i turned to walk  but I bump into someone's chest. I looked up and apologized seeing it was Francis.

"Sorry...oh wait no fuck you" I said as I accidentally had my hands resting on his chest and he looked down at me raising a brow. I backed away quickly just for a comfortable distance and had a annoyed expression on my face.

'why am i seeing him more often..' i thought to myself.

"Nice hat creep" he said blankly, tipping his hat slightly and left me standing there as i looked up on my head seeing i was still wearing the hat.I continued walking,but grabbed a pen from my pocket and threw it at him before running away.

I may or may not feel offended when he called me a creep.

'i should meet more neighbors.. after all im such a great person' i thought once again entering my room.


I will write a better one tomorrow i promise!

Just feeling tired 😴

Also omg ty for the reads AHHH!!! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡

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