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Hahahah i was able to publish 😝

Hope y'all enjoy the drawings i found in tik tok about Francis 🤭

After all that cooking and baking,mia helped me make a small chocolate cake and dome pancakes.We were both happy with the results and enjoyed eating it together, sadly Mia had left ,just to take some to her fiancé later,which I thought was nice of her.

We said our kiss goodbyes as i got out of my room as well and headed a different Direction went to explore the apartment since I wanted to be a bit more familiar just incase a doppelganger broke in.

As i walked by through the halls it was pretty dead quiet,an uncomfortable silence.No TV's or radio's playing, no screaming or laughing,just silence.

I was bored already as i reached the third floor ,to view the whole hallway,i could only hear my footsteps as i looked at the doors.Well at first it was quiet til i heard some footsteps, must be a resident! I could try having some conversation with them!

As i turned around i saw a figure passing by the coner ive passed before,at first they looked regular so was about to approach them until i saw them turn their full face towards me ,i noticed the third eye that laid on their forehead,I stared at them.

I refused to fight the creature of whatever sorts ,i didn't stop to think where to rush,I just ran ,all i knew is that i had to tush towards a room and use their phone to call the D.D.D i was told to if i saw a doppelganger,which was unlikely but luckily i was given the number.

'Thank god Henry gave me that information'

I entered the first door that opened,I slammed the door opened then shut it in fear as i heard the voice calling out, i held my breath and looked for a phone, must've been someone's room due to there being stuff inside,i finally saw a telephone and dialed the numbers 3312.
My heart was beating faster,i felt a lump form up in my throat, my body was shaking at the thought of the creature opening the door and doing god knows what.

I heard the telephone still ringing trembling in fear,thats when i felt a figure behind me ,their breath on me making goosebumps form and i shivered thinking im pretty much dead ,but my body refused as i hit the figure with my shoulder just to hear a groan.

'I don't wanna die today'

"Fuck.." i heard a familiar masculine voice say , making me quickly turn around to see none other than Francis clutching onto his stomach where i hit him.

'haha I hit him..'

"Fuck! Im sorry! Stay quiet please" i whispered yelled as he bit his lips as he just did as i told, despite the hesitation from a few seconds ago.Finally i heard the telephone pick up and a voice in the other end.

"Hi this is (y/n) (l/n) ,a doppelganger broke in and is on the third floor, please send the exterminators or whatever they are!"i said as i heard a siren Blaire and i covered my ears as i heard the call end and the telephone drop.

I could hear banging on the door ,it was pretty much of a loud harsh one ,the familiar voice of whoever the doppelganger tried mimicking a scream.My body responded by backing away as Francis did as well ,both of us getting closer to the corner of the living room we were at.

"You weren't fooling around.. thought you were a creep " he whispered .


He stood in front of me as his arm 'protected' me in some way ,my back against the wall as he stood with a guard up the knocks getting louder before they managed to break the god damn door.

I yelled a bit ,not wanting to die in this situation,with a alert blaring so loud my ears could blead , looking defenceless and really close to the milkman..well Francis,his back against my chest in a defensive way as he grabbed the long lamp he had.

'They better take him first.. he's trynna save me but I don't care , Please please don't let me die today' Was all that my thoughts said.

I thought it was over til i heard many footsteps and saw the doppelganger being dragged and yelling as some people in yellow suits , probably the D.D.D taking them.One opened the door from the hole that was formed.

"Your lucky it didn't enter, you have a good eye for these creatures, sadly our last doorman died by accidentally letting one in.. we'll inform a repair man to fix the door ,have a good day!" One said.

"HENRY DIED?!" I yelled as the d.d.d person shook their head.

"No Henry is the best at his job but the other doorman failed to fill in his shifts"They replied as I ket out a sigh of relief at Henry living but still felt bad for who died.

"Well any chance I can get a shift?" I said as they nodded and gave me a card before leaving,then my attention went to Francis.

I noticed he didn't have his hat on ,which kinda made you lose focus that he was staring at ms.

"So..?" He said as i snapped out of my thoughts.

"Im sorry about the broken door! And well breaking in your room and hurting you..but im the same time who the fuck leaves their door unlocked..but lord im thankful you had it at this moment! It could've been worse!" I yelled out letting all out ,i didn't think about it too much or at all as i went in for a hug.

I could feel him get startled by the hug but slowly accepted it awkwardly as i quickly let go.

"Oh sorry ,Kinda felt like it..im not a creep I swear!" i said embarrassed and pointed at the door signaling that i was going to leave.

"No issue..uhm..bye? Mx moo juice" he said snickering lightly as I flipped him off fastly just causing for his snickers to be louder.

'I hate this man already"

As much as that embarrassing about his stupid tease over my dumb word i said about milk pissed me off,i felt grateful for him , after all he seemed to protect me,but in the aame time I should've body slammed his ass.


Heheh Francis was pretty close to you 🙈

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