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I loved cock blocking y'all the last 2 chapters 👽

Y'all funny

I smiled as I listened to Angus talk more about his experiences in his life,it was about 4 in the morning, our conversations lasted longer than we both expected.I was only partly drunk since angus set a bet on who finishes the 4 cups of liquor faster ,i only got halfway as he finished all of them.

As time passed by the more tired we got .

He passed out asleep first on my bed snoring and deeply asleep,it gave me a chance to color and draw on his face.I mean we did agree on painting on the first who fell asleep and for some reason i wasn't as sleepy.

I put the marker away and stood up to stretch, maybe I should walk around.

I headed out of my room and went to walk around,check those places I haven't gone yet.

"Hoon..."I heard a  voice say making me turn around, a few feet away I saw Francis, he approached me and didn't say anything.

"Francis.. I've been wanting to talk to you actually, look I know these past things we've done were awkward! And terrible..maybe? I don't know I'm just confused.."I said as i looked at him,he didn't change his expression as he lifted up my head with his hand and caressed my bottom lip with his thumb.

For some reason I didn't really acknowledge the weird hallucination,he looked like he had pit black eyes and a wide smile.

'Is the the alcohol kicking strong now?"

"Hoon? Hoon..hoon.." He asked as if saying something,but it didn't matter at the moment.

"Look at first the kiss was dumb! Like so dumb my body just reacted out of nowhere but earlier at the elevator..made me realize that I may have feelings for you..it's just complicated because I don't wanna be in a relationship or have these weird feelings,you know?" I sighed as he looked at me.

"Hooon" he said admiring tone  pulling me against him ,as if didn't really understand or thought it was the best thing he pecked my lips,I didn't fight it so I chuckled.

"Hooon?"he said as I looked back at those black eyes of his ,I shouldn't be drinking because now I'm seeing things..

"I guess I should head back now,thanks for the talk" I said heading the opposite direction and a couple minutes I saw him again.

"I thought you were on the first floor?" i said confused as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow .

"Im just now arriving..and i want to tell you that i formally apologize about what happened in the lockdown,I wasn't planning it..it meant nothing"He said not mentioning anything about the elevator,it confused me.

"Didn't I already said it was a complicated thing?..mm Okay bye..?" I said as I left yawning a bit heading to my room.

I could see Angus was still sleeping on my bed so I slept on the other end of it ,placing a pillow between us just in case and for separation.


I woke up a bit uncomfortable,my head hurts like hell ,i shouldn't have stayed up too long, that's for sure.

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