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Ermmmm 👽


"No way really?!" I said on the phone as Mia chuckled.

"Mhm dear" she said as I chuckled as well.We were doing our daily gossip about neighbors drama and other stuff.

"Well i mean he's pretty handsome" i smiled to myself as i twirled my finger with the telephone cord , blushing to myself about the thought of somebody having a crush on me.

'pretty sure they will be good friends,I ain't ready for a fucking relationship'

"I heard he's successful! Oh and (y/n) almost forgot to tell you ,i heard from a neighbor that nacha is falling head over heels for you" she said as I tried remembering who she was ,then the memory came back about both of them.

"Wow..I'm honored I guess,I've never thought of having a love interest but-" I got cut off by a loud slam in my door ,i turned around and saw, Francis,i was about to say something but the alerts loudly warned about another doppelganger entering,must have been the other new doorman

"(Y/n)? Are you still there?" She asked as i ignored Francis.

"Yes,just the milkman entering my room i guess? " I said as she gasped.

"Ooo Y'all gonna do it?! (Y/n) You dirty person" She said in a teasing tone as i confusedly thought to myself before realizing what i said.

"No! God no, i think he must've been close to my room when the alarm came off,what a strange thing right?" i said as she chuckled.

"Well I have to go hun ,ill see you when this thing is over,my husband is a little worried about the situation, bye " she said before hanging up and I turned to see francis laying on the couch,his eyes covered by his hat.


'was he sleeping?' i thought to myself seeing his chest move up and down slowly breathing.I took off his hat slowly and it seemed like he was truly sleeping,i put his hat on the side and went to lock my door.

'Why did it had to be my room!'

I didn't know what to do ,the alerts kept blaring that it was becoming a lockdown and to remain quiet and inside.I sat on the singular sofa and stared at Francis.

I haven't been able to notice how a few inches taller than me ,he had a nice structure for sure.

'Like DAMNN' I thought to myself at the view.

Thats when I heard a buzzing noise meaning a fly got in here ,i groaned as i kept hearing its annoying buzz ,my shooed it away but it wouldn't leave, i stood up and grabbed the news paper i had on the coffee table and started trying to smack it ,it wasn't working as i slowly got tired.I stopped for a bit and then saw the fly next to me and went to smack it hard, instead of hitting the fly i saw Francis face ,he was awake and standing up.

'why didn't he say something?'

I smacked him once more just for funsies before apologizing,as if I didn't purposely do the second hit.

"Im sorry!" I said grabbing his face to check if i really left him a mark,i could see a small paper cut on his cheek and he cleared his throat a bit as he avoided eye contact.I let go of his face and I felt stupid.

"I'll get you a bandage" I said as he nodded and stood there in silence,i went to the kitchen and opened the door on the bottom of the sink where i then grabbed the med kit to get a bandage,i grabbed it and put the rest back and headed back towards Francis.

I handed him the bandage as he looked at it and smirked lightly.

"Can you put it on for me?" He said near my ear in a teasing soft tone as he handed it to me.

'Is he that lazy or is this a dumb joke??'

"Sit down" I said annoyed as he did ,i bend down a bit to put it on him ,i had to get a little closer than I expected.I tried fighting the urge to freak out luckily i did.

Without a warning he moved his leg hitting mine and i tripped, our faces much closer i could feel his breath.He only raised a brow as both of us stared at each others eyes.

'Does he think Im doing this on purpose? Did he do it? Uh..'

I was lost in my thoughts and I wasn't sure what was really happening,i didn't know why my head leaned foward but i could see his as well and his arm wrapping around me .

'What the fuck-'

We didn't even say a word but i could feel our lips connect to one another, i could see his eyes close and mine did as well a few seconds later,but I opened them once more in surprise.

I could feel him wanted to deepened the kiss as he flipped me over slightly hitting my head against the couchs arm.

I didn't seem to mind at the moment as i felt his hot breath against my neck ,his tongue leaving trails of his saliva ,i could feel him bite against my skin as i moaned,with realization hitting me i stopped.

'ah fuck Not trynna be a one night stand'

"W-wait sorry i can't..i-... sorry"i said as he got off me and bit his lips.

"I know..i don't know what over me.."he looked away and fixed his tie.

The awkward silence slowly killed me as i fixed my shirt.Both of us sitting as if something haven't happened.

I felt like jumping out a window at the moment as we were still in lockdown.

'WHY THE FUCK- HOW THE FU- WHY AM I CUSSING TO MUCH AHHH-' My thoughts were cut off by his voice.

"I'm just going to go use the restroom" he said as i nodded not daring to make eye contact.

'Im pretty sure I fucked up' was the only thing that i thought to myself.



Sorry for not updating earlier 😭

Btw this has a small pt2 🙉

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