|Moo juice|

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Ty for the reads + votes!! <3

I added newer stuff 🤯


The sun started rising as you started tossing and turning trying to find the comfortable spot again but didn't achieve it ,so you let out a groan, slowly opening your eyes to wake up knowing part of you didn't want to at all.

Looking up at the ceiling with your halfway opened eyes seeing a bit blurry ,it didn't matter at the moment as you slowly got up and stretched before getting off the bed , after opening your eyes once again your vision finally readjusted to a regular vision.

You looked down while sitting at the edge of the bed quietly trying to think of what you should do today sadly those thoughts were interrupted as a knock was heard on your door.

'I wonder who it could be...'

You got up ,not even bothering to change from your clothes and went to open the door.

[Changing to your pov now!]

I opened the door to reveal none other than my recent favorite person,Mia Stone,once again,with a smile she entered inside, probably already wanting to be close,i didn't mind as long as there is no harm done,after all she was the bwst.

"(Y/n)! Darling, sorry if i woke you up but i wanted to hang out" she said as I closed the door and smiled lightly at the thought of someone wanting to hang out.

"It's alright Mia I just woke up anyways,no bother ,but can I get change real quick?" I said as she waited on the singular sofa and nodded.

"Go ahead dear,no rush ,ill wait here" she said as i left and went in my room,i grabbed the Bags I left inside my bedroom , strangely I couldn't find my id..weird ,but maybe I dropped it in my room..I shrugged it off as I changed my clothes and got out not wanting to ket Mia wait for so long,As i exited my bedroom I saw her placing some stuff and organizing stuff.

"Mia you don't have to" i said as she shook her head.

"(Y/n) Its alright,have you had breakfast?" She said putting down the decoration and went closer to me.

"Ohh um no ,but if you'll like we can work on something together!" I said as she nodded and looked around in the kitchen.I was hoping there was anything to make something.Luckily there was a few stuff,flour,sugar and eggs, edible ones.

'wow the old owner of this room must've been some type of baker!..and they seem like new stuff..' I thought as i grabbed the stuff,A little weird..I placed it in the counter as Mia grabbed the bowls and utensils.

"We are missing the milk to make some type of cookies or bread?" I said looking around as Mia went towards the phone and dialed a number ,all i did was stare at her as she smiled and talked on the phone.

"I'mma go back ,my fiancé just came with groceries ,ill see if he got something else to add on the breakfast and well theirs a milkman who lives here ,ill give you his number" she said after hanging up the phone as i nodded and she gave me a number then left.


As mia left I went to the phone and dialed the number then placed the phone on my ear waiting for someone to answer, hoping they actually did.

"Mmm hello? This is Francis mosses..checked in earlier.." A male said, must've thought i was the doorman due to him referring he checked in as I froze up a bit awkwardly trying to think of what to say.

"Mmm hello?" He said once more

"Hi! This isn't Henry ,the doorman ..ummm are you the uh...m-moo juice man- I mean Milkman! Right??"I responded out of panic.

'Ain't no way I just fucking said that..'

"Oh yes..order of how much and who?" He said tiredly and I blushed embarrassedly.

"2 glasses of that moo juice,the newest word for milk!! and the order for (fake/n)!! Apartment ∅∅!"i said keeping the 'moo juice' word as some type of stupid slang but god I wanted to end it right at the moment .

"Alright,ill be that in 5 minutes Mx (f/n)" he said before hanging up and I slammed the phone to its holder scolding myself out of the dumbness I've Said.Then I heard some knocks and quickly went to answer it hoping it was mia.I opened to reveal Mia! So Happy it was Mia and not that Milkman.

"Mia! Hii ,i ordered the milk..but i think i messed up i got nervous and called it moo juice , please pretend like it's a slang!" I said covering my face in embarrassment.

"Oh (y/n) dear ,your a funny one"she chuckled and patted my back as we both headed to the kitchen to make breakfast.
Its been about 9 minutes and we already mixed all the powder but we needed the milk.

'where's the milkman..Ugh slow ass motherfucker ' i thought to myself just as i heard a knock at the door ,i didn't wanna open it well refused to open it.Sadly mia pushed me lightly to the door telling me 'honey he won't say anything about earlier'.

I sighed and opened the door as mia headed back to the kitchen to melt the butter ,now as i opened the door,it revealed a handsome,tired looking male ,he had eye bags and a hat with the words 'milkman' on it,it was obviously the milkman.

'I take back ,this man ain't no slow motherfucker,he can take as long as he wants-' I cut myself in my mind as I heard his voice.

"Sorry for the delay Mx.(F/n)...your milk..or should i say 'moo juice' "He teased with a slight grin making me turn red,I think he knew it wasn't a popular word.

"Ah yes , lovely pretty moo juice! So yummy,better keep up old man! ahaha" I said throwing him the money harshly and grabbed the milk as i quickly closed the door in embarrassment.

"I thought he wouldn't bring it up sorry hun" Mia said as she patted my back for comfort.

"Well i am Im the fool who said it.. but forget it! let's just make the pancakes and forget anything ever happened!" i said as she chuckled and placed her hand behind my back.

"Sure (y/n) , let's go make you something to eat" she replied with a smile as both of us headed to the kitchen and continue making breakfast.


Not making Francis in love with you so fast , just for plot development

Maybe a few teases of 'lovely dovely' moments

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