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This was the scene I deleted I'm just reuploading it for those who didn't read it cuz I'm pretty sure y'all wanted to read it.


Scrapped chapter of

"I need a favor... but it may be too much" He said as I saw him spread his legs ,i had an idea where this may be going.

"Francis are you saying that-" I pointed downwards to the spot between his legs as he nodded with a dumb look on his face ,this state of him made me wanna lose control .

"Please?" He said tugging the corner of my shirt, getting on his knees and wrapping his hands around my leg.

"Francis , we can't we barely know eachother,its just uhm-" I saw his expression to more demanding and desperate.

"I know but this will be meaningless,i promise,I see the way you look at me" he said as I knew i may regret it later.

"Fine.." I stated as he smirked and got up immediately kissing me and throwing me on the couch,he was basically on top of me in between my legs like last time.

This time his hands explored under my shirt,his were cold but felt good ,my body arched a bit at the great touch.

"Wait Francis,your not a doppelganger right?" I Said as he chuckled and shook his head.

"No (y/n),I promise you im the real deal" He stated placing his bulge to grind against my crotch ,I could feel his hardened state as I let a shaky shocked breath at the feeling.

"I'm not ready for that ,if this is meaningless how about we start small!"I said a bit panicky as he seemed a bit bothered but nodded.

"Mmm Fine, what are you going to do?" He said raising a brow wanting to know what I meant.

"Just relax ,lay back , I'll give you the pleasure you want" I said as I slided down and sat in my legs and reached to unzip his pants,I could feel his leg twitch .I pulled down his pants and then his boxers, his cock springed out as I blushed at his size .

He looked down at me with a sweet smile ,I felt my heart flutter and seeing his face made me blush deeper.His eyebags were perfect on him.

I licked his tip making him let out a weak moan , clutching his hand lightly on the couch cushion as I smirked a bit ,I loved seeing this side of him.

"Mmm (y/nnn)"He moaned as I felt a bit turned on in a way ,I continued the process before swirling my tongue around.He let out shaky breaths as his hand went on my head.

I started bobbing my head as he sorta guided me,at some point I almost gagged but didn't mind ,I was enjoying seein him squirm and moan as his head rested back ,his body arching time to time , Thrusting into my mouth.After a few thrusts I could hear him breath deepeer.

"Mm hmph...nghh~,(y/nnn) fuckk" He groanly moaned before releasing in my mouth,I almost choked but greatfully shallowed his liquids.I wipped my mouth as let out a deep breath.

"I love you" he said but I ignored it.

"It was meaningless Francis,you're free to leave my room whenever" I stated acting as if nothing happened,I could hear him lifted up his pants and left with a sigh,a disappointing one,but I could have misunderstood it.

'It was absolutely meaningless ' I kept repeating it in my head.

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ā° Last updated: May 20 ā°

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