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Picture from chapter cover!For those who want it/can't see it

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Pt2 from lockdown!!


I went to the kitchen,since the bathroom was occupied ,i splashed some water to my face just to relax a bit,i grabbed the nearest towel I had near the dishes that i never used.They were small towels but worked just fine,I guess.

I sighed to myself unsure what to do ,the lockdown was lasting more than i was comfortable with.Im basically trapped with francis, he's probably just hiding in the restroom til this lockdown is done.

'wonder what that man is  doing'

I kept recalling the moment we had,My mind wanted me to jump out a window and move out but my body craved that feeling again but just with more intimate moments with one another.As much as it was wrong for me to let lust to win me over I headed near the bathroom, placing my head against the door , hearing him I could hear him heavily breathing making me snap out of my thoughts.

'oh- maybe he's..'

I ignored what my dirty thoughts assumed it must've been but they were clearer explanations,he may just be panicking..

it's bad but who really knows.

I went to my bedroom and plopped onto the bed getting close to just close my eyes and relax a bit , just a few minutes of my eyes shut , that's it.


Turns out I actually fell asleep,not surprising.

I woke up by the voices echoing from the megaphones, talking about the lockdown is over, i heard a door open then closed, meaning francis finally left, Then I heard the door open and close again after a few minutes,I placed a arm over my eyes not wanting to Open them at all.But then I heard my bedroom door open making me lower my arm and faced the door to see someone,a female specifically.

"Oh! Sorry If I seem like a creep ,but i worried about you-.. I just check other neighbors as well! And we didn't have a chance to meet..I'm sorry I'm entering your privacy..Mia told me to check on you as well" I heard her say as I stretched.

"It's alright,thanks for worrying..Nacha,was it?"I said getting up fully and putting my shoes on as she faced somewhere else in embarrassment and nodded.

"Well im actually happy you passed by! I've been wanting to met more of the residents" I said happily as we both headed out of my room ,she stayed quiet but i can see her beautiful mismatched eyes sparkle .

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