Tip of My Tongue (Johnlock)

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Fast asleep at his desk, Sherlock lie dreaming of the cases from that week. Though in his mind palace, the focus was all quite different. Instead of murders and cults and pretty women, it was John that he saw. 

He would never admit it, but he enjoyed watching John working and making his way around their shared flat. He had some sort of grace to the way he did things and how his mind worked. They were similar, but so entirely different. 

They were each others other half. While Sherlock was the head case that provided the cold hard truth and advanced ingenuity, John came with the compassion and tenderness towards clients so they weren't totally put off by how straight forward Sherlock could be. 

If they had ended up doing whole 'consulting detective' business on their own or even with someone else, it wouldn't quite work. The balance would be totally thrown, just the thought of it made Sherlock uncomfortable. He never wanted to imagine doing this with anyone but John, because he 'loved' him, if that was even a feeling Sherlock could really classify as something he could experience. 

It was the first time he had ever felt this way for another person besides Irene, but he never saw her and even if she constantly lurked in the back of his mind, it was never the same as it was in person. He hadn't seen her since she took off to the United States for witness protection, and the future didn't seem all that promising either. Irene was gone, and now he had John to focus on.

Sherlock couldn't tell if this was a crush or if it was just admiration for his partner, but regardless of what it was it was intense. Especially if he was having dreams about it. 


He awoke an hour later to the sound of Mrs.Hudson and John in the kitchen. In an attempt to listen in without them noticing, Sherlock laid still hoping he still looked the part of being fast asleep.

"Oh John, you need to sort this out. It's driving you completely mad." sighed Mrs.Hudson, who seemed to be making tea for the both of them.

"Mrs.Hudson I can't just- Sherlock isn't one to respond well to expression of emotions. You of all people know this, you've known him longer than me!" John practically shouted at the end.

"Shh! Well he'll be waking up if you want to shout John. Then you'll have to tell him." she pointed out, her heeled footsteps stalking their way out and off to another part of the flat. 

Sherlock took this as his cue to 'wake up' and pretend to yawn, slowly lifting himself and turning to John with a stretch.  

"Morning John." he said drowsily, standing up and making his way into the kitchen. 

John sighed and nodded at him a bit as a hello "Morning. Or I might have to say afternoon, you must have been really exhausted."

"I was, but I heard you and Mrs.Hudson shouting. What was that all about?"

John blushed brightly, turning to look into his tea cup, which reddened his face more as a result of the heat. 

"O-Oh it wasn't really anything, kind of boring actually. Would be to you anyways." 

"Well, I can't help but feel extensively intrigued. Do tell." Sherlock said flatly, pouring whatever was left in the kettle into a faded green mug. It was on the tip of his tongue, and about to slip out. He could tell, a few more questions and John might just crack. 

"I'm.. Look Sherlock, this is a huge secret, very personal to me, that I need you to promise me you'll not tell anyone. Not Mycroft, not Greg, not Molly, not ANYONE! You hear me?" John pressed, obviously feeling very strongly about keeping his secret on the down low. 

Sherlock took a seat across from John, looking him in the eyes as he sipped his tea a bit. It was obvious to him that he'd agree to John's terms but the silence seemed necessary. It seemed more like Sherlock, as right now he felt farther from himself than he ever thought possible. 

"I understand John, I won't speak of this to a single soul. Proceed." 

"I'm in love with someone." 

"Oh really, who?"


Silence. It was thick in the air and the two of them seemed to have stop breathing altogether. Shock ran through both of their bodies, as Sherlock was trying to disclose what was said while John had startled himself with the fact that he had even uttered the words.

It was on the tip of his tongue, and he was pushing himself to say it.


"Yes Sherlock.."

"I love you too." 


A/N: Hello! Madison here. Well this is my first oneshot in my new book dedicated to such ramblings, and I hope it was obvious that the pairing is Johnlock. I'll be writing loads more in the near future, and if you have any prompts then please feel free to send us a message. This is a joint account so if you want either Sol or myself to write a prompt specifically then let us know in the message! Also we are writing a collab fic, so follow us if you want to see that happen. Thank you! <3

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